There are scale comps (ladder framed or tube chassis trucks) and there are crawler comps (twin vertical plate chassis trucks, ie; old AX10, XR10, bergs and bullys) This was a typical "scale" comp format that the majority of the drivers in the community enjoy. We would like you to join us for our Haunted Forest Scale Adventure night run coming up later this month "thumbsup"
Good and glad you saw it as a learning experience "thumbsup"
We understand. One of the points of SORCCA based events is to push the driver and the limits of their rig and sometimes that's not for everyone.
On the upside that's to cool part about scale rc, there's many different styles of events, comps, trail runs, follow the leader, scale adventure, search and rescue, treasure hunt "thumbsup" if your interested check out our scale adventure night run coming up this month. Basically a trail run with gates with bonus prizes and items on the trail :mrgreen:
We tell a lot of people that everyone starts somewhere and all it takes is time behind the wheel. and we are here to help with rig set up anytime. "thumbsup"
We do encourage all of you the check out the scale adventure night run we have planned for later this month, same location but not on the main rock formations, details will be posted soon.