Hey Harley, I'm reading the first page again and I'm a little confused. In the first post you say "Best for crawling and low speed: Holmes 35t Torquemaster pro" Then your fourth post under the one for "Pure crawling performance" it says "Best choice: Holmes 16t Crawlmaster (5 slot motor which is similar to a 27t traditional 3 slot motor)" This gave me some questions first off which would be the better choice for general crawling/trailing. On the Holmes website under the crawlmaster motor is says if you are going to run a wraith on 3s you need to use a 16 tooth pinion but under your gearing guide you suggest 84/18 though that is with a 35t Torquemaster. The last question is about the "(5 slot motor which is similar to a 27t traditional 3 slot motor)" Does this mean that the motor is comparable to a motor with a higher turn in terms of torque/speed?
My bad, that's a typo. A 16t is closer to a 35t than a 27t. A 5 slot motor has a different wind pattern so a motor with less winds has the same copper content as a traditional 3 slot motor with significantly more winds. The 5 slots are smoother but if you just plan to play around a regular trail master or machine wound motor from Holmes will do you fine.
Grab a 35t and have some fun.