hello every body

im loving the info nearly read all 24 pages lol but i think i may have an infomation overload now, im trying to piece together everything i need for my wraith build from stores here in the uk ,iv looked pretty much everywhere here and i can't seem to find anything lower than a 35t tekin is this a problem for good speed ??? right upto tekin 55tpro in a combo with the crawler specific fxr esc you which one do i need or doesnt it really matter ????
alsoo the front steering servo ,to be safe i was thinking waterproof for that too ,is it really neccesary if im just going through bigish puddles and any recomendation??
the drive gear on the top allways seems tobe plastic even on high torque models can i pull it off and put on a metal one ?
cant wait to get started now but dont want to buy the wrong things ,and deffinetly have to have the kit build none of this off the shelf rubbish lol
im planning on a lada niva scale rig maybe a range rover bobtail the roll cage just screams niva at me i love it .
back to motors briefly, does the amount of turns have anything to do with its speed or is it purely a measure of torque ???
one other question is i see the esc's are waterproof but what about the motor's , iv seen people speak of running them under/semi submerged water which id like to do if i get the oppertunity but do i have todo anything to the wires other than spraying silicon spray over it ?? i thought or is that a really bad idea??? again any feed back would be coolio
once again love reading all the post so much to learn still lol
oh and harley youv'e put me off novac's lol thaught the goat was such a cool product name lol