___( That's just awesome nick'. And i can't wait to see them,...either. Scoot'er.O I'm sure there willmbe pics posted!!! This course makes the old one look like a tiny pile of gravel.:mrgreen:
___Oooh so do'es -THAT- mean there was no one taking any pic's of today at nick's then,...?!! Damm'-it,...Come on now' I want to see some new pic's of what ya' all's have gotten done so far and just how awesome it all look's to be now as well. -"Please" -((will somebody post up some pic's of today then...?!! or do we got to wait till next time around,...huh.))- Come on fella's that not "Kool-bean's" - ya' know's. ~Scoot'er~Cant find my damn camra:shock: