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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

We are still going to have alot of work to do on sunday. I have around 14Hrs into it right now and its not even a 1/4 the way done. but trust me it will be way worth it."thumbsup"
Well guys I'll be working on it today. just to try to get it a little closer to being finished so we can wrap it up tomorrow."thumbsup"
X trail BY far Its got more ground clearnce and its adjustable. Well the scx is adjustable If ya got a drill:shock:

Maybe we can use some of jj's cookies to mold over with cement n make some little rock piles!lol. Do u think we r gonna be able to run r trucks tomarrow? Or is it just build day !
I dont think were going to be able to run. I'd like the concrete to set for around 8 hrs before we run. We have a lot fo work to do.
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Please someone take some pic's & post um' up on here

Someone please take some great pic's of all the action going on at Nick's this weekend . And post them up on here so all of us other brotha's can see just what's going on over there nowaday's and also what to expext the next time we may drop in as well. Please,... I'd like to see how your going about it all this time around nick' and also to give me some idea's as to how to go about finishing up my own indoor course these coming week's for I now got afew helper's to chip in and help me to get it all finish up and also to form somewhat of aclub made up of afew local's. This should be a great year for everyone as thing's are starting to shape up again and it's good to hear that alot of us are coming back together again to crawl with each other on sunday's as well. That's just Awesome brotha's and i hope it all turn's out just the way you hope it would too,...Nick. how you been doing bro'-mike...?!! I got a freind that is going to be working on getting some great pic's posted up on here for all to see very soon and also to help with making a build up tread to in the very near future but,...First we got to get the course done and the pit area build and wired up and get this Lil' hole in duh' wall on the damm' map for this year 4 Sur'. And we are also planning on hosting some great gtg's & comp's at the old water tower park right on I-24 across from the hospital this coming spring and hopefully thru' the summer as well. We know of a place where we can get all the FREE rock's that we ever wanted it's just that ya' got to haul them outta' there on your own. No-biggie' that's the way it should be that if your willing to load them up by hand and then haul them back home to unhaul then what more do ya' want...?!! I want it to warm up for about four day's so we can haul about 4 ton's of rock. and then go about arranging them and etc'. For i got anuff' lumber it's just that I did'nt get to much time to get out and get the rock' that I planned on getting as my father had pass away and that slow thing's down,...ya know and made this holiday season kinda' shitty as well. i'm just glad that the holiday's are over with and in afew month we'll all be back outside again crawling & slashing and then some too' how about it brotha's. but in the meantime "WE need a place to all get together at and be able to crawl INDOOR'S and it's just great to se Nick' step up to the plate again and offer us all a great place to enjoy crawling together at again. 'HAT'S OFF TO NICK' CLAYTON FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SUPPORT TO ALL OF US CRAWLER'S FOR ALL HE HAS DONE TO HELP AND TO GIVE HIS UP MOST SUPPORT TO HELP THE CRAWLING SIDE OF THIS HOBBY GROW AND ALSO THE SLASH RACING SIDE AS WELL. --- SORRY FOR THE CAP'S BRO'S. ~ol'Scoot'er~
O I'm sure there will be pics posted!!! This course makes the old one look like a tiny pile of gravel.:mrgreen:
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Where's the PIC's & Vid's at.? Come on now brotha's

Cant find my damn camra:shock:
___Oooh so do'es -THAT- mean there was no one taking any pic's of today at nick's then,...?!! Damm'-it,...Come on now' I want to see some new pic's of what ya' all's have gotten done so far and just how awesome it all look's to be now as well. -"Please" -((will somebody post up some pic's of today then...?!! or do we got to wait till next time around,...huh.))- Come on fella's that not "Kool-bean's" - ya' know's. ~Scoot'er~
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build day

I got tell those that didn't show that this thing is a beast. When I left at 5:00 about 6/8 of the course was ready for mud. Chris and I had one section that needed to be finished. The rest of the gang had begun to mud and had about 1/8 of the whole thing with mud and it was looking really good.

Had a great time today. I won't be able to help during the week, but it looks like I will be available on Sunday. Hopefully we can finish up the mudding. Bad news for me is that I'll be out of town the following weekend so won't be able to actually crawl for several weeks. Sucks, but this course will be worth the wait.

Looking forward to pics of what you guys got done.
wow ............:shock:....got message from old dog bout pile being built and gee had to read forums where i left off(since nick shut his doors lol) and see all new pile!!??!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O"yeah Its Fricken HUGE!!!!! It make the old course look about a 1/4 the size. Its got to go around 6 ft at the highets point and its just plain big. we got around 80% mudded tonight before we ran out of mud. All 1200lbs we used. and we still need around 500lb plus to finish it. Thanks you guys for all the help. That was a Shit load of physical labor today but it will be way worth it in the end. I'n all I can say is that end that well will have one of the baddest a$$ courses around. Thanks again and be proud of your work becouse there will be lots of pitcures taken on this.
Here are some of the pics from today.





