Everyone's looking for roller's for projects there not cheap scoot:shock:Please keep the pic's coming brotha's as I start on getting a 1:1 loaded up with some newbie's to haul up there with me too' I see a road trip coming up soon anuff too'. git R done' So we all can start hanging with ya' again on SUNDAY"S nick'. _((also'...let me know if any of you may have a old descent AX_10 roller that my buddy could start out with that maybe going up for sale' please - for I'm trying to get my buddy a rig' thrown together over here with what Lil' spare part's that I do have to laying around to go with' - thank's and PM' me if any of you's maybe have something that he could start out with and not have to much into it for now. for I know by spring he's going to want to get something better. but for now i just want to help set him up with something to crawl with kinda' like an old AX-10 roller with some metal link's on it' - no body or Electronic's on it either' help me out here if any of you's can please' "thank's- brotha'".~Scoot'er~