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Bay City or Tri Citys MI


Damn my arms feel like rubber after mixing all that cement! I'm glad I could help today cause it was alot of fun being part of that BAD A$$ coarse! I cant wait to put my Crawler to the test on it!"thumbsup":mrgreen::shock: Just remember that CHEVYS RULE:flipoff:
thanks nick for leting us help this thing is crazyzzz. i cant wait to try the new crawlers on it and again thanks nick it was a blast"thumbsup"

Great pics Chris. Chris did you get the end we were working on done? How long did you guys stay to finish all of that muddin? Thanks again Nick for the opportunity to work on the project. Working on it will make it that much sweeter to crawl."thumbsup"
Holly $Hit that sucka' is Huge & look's 2 B wicked too'

Welp'___Seeing in the ticket 4 Sur' and I know it was all going to be something as Awesome as it is fella's i wish i could of been there to help with it too' Nick. but, My knee is still healing up and i can't lift anything much at all. that is one awesome labour of work you fella's have gotten done 4 sur'. And i know ya' all's are just itching to crawl apond it all as soon as ya's can as well. helll-yeahhh' this is fawking sweet' and it not big anuff...either keep at it and make it even bigger. Whatta heck' nick go completely for broke bro'. For this is going to be the place to be for alot of us ya know's and the ol' garage when have to become a whole new pole barn by next winter too'...huh. I think ya' may allready know that by now thou'...LoL. we all should start chipping in to a fund to have a whole new polebarn bilt just so we can all fit into it and also have one hell of a course to cra3l apond and still be hanging with ol' nick' clayton. hat's of to ya' Nick' and the rest of you fella's for i'll be heading up there soon anuff and bringing afew buddy's along with me too'. That is truely just too fawking awesome and who's going to be the first to tame it ...?!! SUNDAY'S AT NICK'S AGAIN,___I reckon' and ya' best get your game on too' as well. TTYL I got alot of homework to get done and get all pack up and get my ol' happy ass up that way soon anuff' bro's. ((( Thank's for sharing all these awesome pic's with us all as well brotha' ))) ~ Scoot'er~
Thanks scoot! The Pitcures Realy do no justice for the work all these guys put into it. Every one worked there a$$ completely Off. and there Is alot more detail than shown in the pics.and there is some inpossible lines."thumbsup"
No pre'running of the course nick' that's cheating bro'

Nick how's it work we know it's dry:mrgreen:
___Welp,...Jay' you know damm' well that nick's got a rig' charging up right about now and He'll be sneaking back out to the garage again just to get a chance to crawl apond it. yup' I bet ya' - And then he'll stand back by his workbench and stare at it all abit' and thinking of what it need's next. And yeah' it should of all dry'd up anuff by now for ya' to test it all out for us brotha' nick'...?!! Welp'___What's the story on it Nick'....?!! ~ol'Scoot'~
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Theres some spots that are real thin where it cracked (common) so I didnt waht to F UP any corners. I just went out tonight and did a crap load of cleanning:shock:
styro foam

Hey Nick I dropped off some styrofoam collers at your place tonight. They were in the trash at work. I saw too much potential to just let them stay in the trash. Then on the way home the fun began. I got half way home and the brakes in my wifes car started making a wierd sound. I crept home and found that one of the pads had broken apart on the passenger side front. Left a little mark but workable I think. While fixing the front brakes I broke 2 of the 4 pins that I had to drill and tap out. Front together and I decided to rotate the front tires, when switching the tires my finger caught on something and then the hissing sound came from the tire and in no time it was flat. So then I got to experience the joy of getting the spare out from under the van and installed on the van. Ooh what a great night tonight was.
Please keep the pic's coming brotha's as I start on getting a 1:1 loaded up with some newbie's to haul up there with me too' I see a road trip coming up soon anuff too'. git R done' So we all can start hanging with ya' again on SUNDAY"S nick'. _((also'...let me know if any of you may have a old descent AX_10 roller that my buddy could start out with that maybe going up for sale' please - for I'm trying to get my buddy a rig' thrown together over here with what Lil' spare part's that I do have to laying around to go with' - thank's and PM' me if any of you's maybe have something that he could start out with and not have to much into it for now. for I know by spring he's going to want to get something better. but for now i just want to help set him up with something to crawl with kinda' like an old AX-10 roller with some metal link's on it' - no body or Electronic's on it either' help me out here if any of you's can please' "thank's- brotha'".~Scoot'er~