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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Our Savior

I would be willing to help. Just let me know when you plan on working and I'll do my best to lend a hand. I'm itching to try out my rig. Almost have it the way I want it. "thumbsup"

I've got a few smallish rocks I can bring over. I also made a pretty good log bridge and found a cool stump in the snow by my house. Looks like it could be a good add on to the collection."thumbsup"
Sure hope that ya' new course is even better then the one you had to rip up nick'. Also looking forward to seeing some new pic's of it soon too'....as ya' get it all set back up again soon bro. ~ Scoot'er~
well gius its looking like. next weekend will be te start date on the new course. not sure what day yet."thumbsup"
well gius its looking like. next weekend will be te start date on the new course. not sure what day yet."thumbsup"
___ Git' R done my brotha'. So I can plan a road trip up there soon. I loved the way ya' had it all going on in the first place,...ya' know's. I got to get cracking on FINISHING UP my own new indoor's course as well.I just need to pick up a few more bag's of quik-crete to have ready to mix up and use as I go about finishing up another base and then laying out some more of these big rock's I just gotten haul down to the basement this week. And the biggest one had to WT in at about 120 lbs' and it was hell get that sucka' down there all by my ol'self too. but,...I'll manage okeyI'm not a quiter ya' know's and when i set my mind to sum'thang. welp' I go about it no matter what it take's. just as I did the last time. I just wish I did'nt go and tear apart my old course as well. And then carry'd all them rock's and log's and etc'. all back up the damm' stair's and out into my lil' front yard and then gone about building an outdoor course all last summer...?!! FOR I HAD THE RIGHT IDEA' ALL ALONG WITH HAVING IT ALL INDOOR,...FOR THE COLD ASS WINTER AND ALSO THE RAINY DAY'S TOO. I LEARN SOME THERE 4' SUR.AND I'D RATHER IT ALL OF BEEN KEPT INDOOR'S,...YA' KNOW'S. SO I COULD HAVE ENJOYED IT WHENEVER I'D WANT TO,...AND NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE WEATHER AN ALL. "RECKON'....I'LL JUST HAVE TO GO AN START ALL OVER AGAIN WITH IT ALL AS WELL TO NICK'. HEY,...GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR'S BROTHA' AND I SURELY HOPE YA' GET ALOT OF THE OTHER FELLA'S TO HEAD ON OVER AND TO PITCH IN A HAND AND HELP YA' GET IT DONE SOON ANUFF' AS WELL BRO'. PEACE OUT & GOD BLESS YA' ALL'S TOO. SCOOT'ER.
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more rocks

I got a hold of some more obstacles today. It's pieces of foundation, some slab pieces and a couple nice size ones I can add to the collection just let me know.

there will be alot more useable lines on this course. Chris and I already got some sweet ideas. So I'm ready to get started. All I got to do is make a trip to home depot.:twisted:

I have some scrap wood (sections of plywood of various sizes and shapes). I'll bring some if we use it great if not burn it. I checked about my next weekend. I have something going on Sat. afternnoon through the evening. So other than that I plan on coming over when and if you need me."thumbsup"
Well guys its looking like Sunday is going to be the build day for the new course ! So sunday at 11:00 is start time. So wear some old clothes and be prepared to get your hands dirty!!"thumbsup"
Is it sunday yet:flipoff:
___ Why hell yeah and whatta' heck for we need a indoor's place to crawl at brotha's. So git ta cracking on it,...please, And git' R done,...last I look it said today was a monday and it was "MLK" day as well. And I hate monday's. ~Scoot'~