This tip is obvious to us seasoned crawlers, but will be great for the newbies.
Drill and tap your lower links to accept 4mm studs.
You will need an m4 x.07 tap.
Then install traxxas jato ends.
Traxxas Jato Rod Ends (12) with hollow balls (12) #5525 - Miscellaneous - -Suspension - The Crawlers Store LLC
They are just like Revo ends but longer. Cut them to the same length as stock, or add a mm to each to stretch your wheelbase out to 12.5".
You can get 4mm studs from associated, venom, kyosho etc. I prefer these on ebay that are 20mm and steel:
M4 x 20mm Socket Set Screws 12pk Grub | eBay
This works best with the machined lower links but you could do it with your stockers. If you are doing this with the machined links, you will need to use the bent rod end that Bender used on his front machined lower link. Just tap it to 4mm. It is plenty thick.
The machined links pictured below have been upgraded
This tip will give you bulletproof links so you won't have to worry about those 3mm ends breaking, or pulling out.
Thanks to Fa1rch1ld for turning me onto the jato ends. I'd never seen them until recently and they are worth their weight in gold because of their extra length compared to revo ends. Trim to fit"thumbsup"
They could come in really hand at comps too when rig is just a hair out of spec. Just trim the jatos a hair, and you are good to go"thumbsup"