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any crawlers in MN?

Well, not that their right too often, but the weatherman just said it's going to be a nice day tomorrow :)
I got both clods locked, brushless in and programmed in the sw2, new 16t in the rc 10 t4, and I'm about to tear down that p4 for a quick rebuild and a re-locking of the pede tranny (I didn't lock it, bought it that way). I'll be ready for some testing tomorrow if we're still on.
I'm going out there with the familly in about 45 minutes for a lil fathersday BBQ.

Freetime, I still have your number from a PM, I'll give you a call later.

Hopfully I'll see you guys up there.
Sounds good Joe.
I'm assuming since knowone cancelled we're still on. It looks to be the start of a beautiful day, batteries are charging, trailer getting loaded, and I'll be ready for some hardcore testing on these trucks today before that Iowa comp next weekend.
I'm ready to roll. I was up till 3am putting a switch in my new tq3... works like a champ. Oh, btw, if anyone is looking for AM crystals, radioshack at the MOA has like 2 or 3 packs of the xmod crystals left (pack of 6 for $15); and I heard they are discontinued.
Nicklepimp said:
Freetime and Adogg, if we're planning on being up there around noon still, we should probably leave our area by 11 or so.

Yep, I'm just finishing loading the trailer, and finishing up charging batteries. I'll be ready after a trip to SA.
you guys have fun , take a lotta pics , i'm grab'n the kiddo's truck and head'n out to dad's place to do some crawl'n , have fun fellas I WANT PICS!!!!!
Now thats what i'm talking about :)
finally some actual real rock formations to crawl on. We have lots of area's like this within 1-1.5 hrs drive along the St Croix, Mississippi, and Mn rivers. Not to mention the smaller tributarys. Had a great time today guys, well worth the drive in my opinion. That brushless is something else, esp love the run time :)
I would have to say we could hold a few comps there and never use the same course twice. I've gotta say, it's very fun to run on some natural rock, and not the rip wrap boulders. Looking at our pic's and looking at some of the guys out West makes us look like we have to crawl in someone's landscaping. The pic's from today should show we do actually have natural rocks in Mn.
While I'm looking forward to getting out of town, and meeting the guys from Ia and Neb, and running in their comp and seeing how it's run, I can't wait for our July 16th comp :lol:

Mike, thanks for the use of the puller, I'll put it to good use and kick some Ia/Neb @ss and try and make the Mn club look good :)
I really wanna portray a proffesional image for our club, having a kick @ss puller and hopefully fairly competitive trucks will help.
I do wish Andrew and that clod were coming along ;-)
And a few more Mn boys.
Rerock, you gonna make it??

Time to put an esc and a receiver in that puller, mount that tire, and check it out. Then find and figure out how to mount a body for it.

Just got back from Taylors Falls and all I can say is WOW!!!
Those who didn't make it, you missed out on one heck of a gtg!!! This is exactly the kind of rock we've been waiting for. Plenty of ridges, hills, cliffs... all from natural rock formations. It seemed almost an endless playground of trails one could ride and never go the same route twice. It was an awesome time. Enough carnage to go around; I think everyone broke something at least once... my servo horn stripped out, I damm near ripped my rear axle off (Adogg has a great pic of that ;-) ), and I somehow siezed my front axle. Freetime ripped a wire off of his brown clod after taking a 8 foot drop. Etype's linkage kept popping off, and I think something went wrong on his 2.2, but I can't remember what. And I think all that happened to Adogg's stick was a lost wheel nut and 2 dead batteries :flipoff:.

I can't wait till we go out there again. If anyone wants to go before-hand, I'd be down to roll as soon as I fix my clod. You'll see what we're talking about when Adogg and Etype post their pics (B.T.W. keep a towel by your keyboard to wipe up you're drool:))
Well I slacked on the pictures today... I didn't take a single picture until I put my trucks away and we walked around more with Freetimes 2.2 truck. So I really only have some pictures of him on that rock bridge.

I do have a little bit of video footage though. I will capture that on my computer later on and edit it. Then I'll upload it to one of the many vid sites out there.
I'm going to be uploading the pics onto my computer this evening and will post them on here as soon as I resize them to fit.
Give it an hour or two and they'll be up. I'm off to go get some dinner quick (a baggy of Captian Crunch will only hold one over for so long).

So the odds are: NEXT COMP AT TAYLORS FALLS, SUNDAY JULY 16 11:00am.
(Kevin, I see that you already changed that on MNRCRC.com)
Yep, just as we figured, the set screw in my pinion is the culprate in my siezed front axle. Fortunately only 1 gear was damaged. So it could have been a lot worse, but it still ended a great crawling run.
Ohh and I stopped at sears on the way home and picked up a new optima battery. I will try to avoid putting a hole into the side of this one, they seem to work best with they are full? :p
Of coarse I get home and I look to see what wheel nuts I have.... And I've got at least 4 of the same kind (narrow w-nuts) and a bunch of miscellaneous other nuts in my tool box. The one time, ONE TIME I don't bring my tool box with me. GRRRrrr
Adogg13x said:
Of coarse I get home and I look to see what wheel nuts I have.... And I've got at least 4 of the same kind (narrow w-nuts) and a bunch of miscellaneous other nuts in my tool box. The one time, ONE TIME I don't bring my tool box with me. GRRRrrr

Murphy's Law strikes again!;-)

B.T.W. it's been an hour AND two... where's the pics??:flipoff:
Now for some pics... There's a lot of good ones. So I'll have about 5 posts.

Some pics of the area (no trucks):


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More of the area: (Both this and the previous post are mostly just pics of the first spot we crawled in, It was plenty for us to run around for hours.)



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