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any crawlers in MN?

Are we still on tomarrow if its raining?:-(

I went back to the cool crawling spot I discovered just out side of Mankato the other night and took some pics. Here they are. Most are of the trail getting to the river, because the cammera batteries died shortly after getting down to the river:x

View from on top the dam looking at the beach.


The trail to the river/beach

The beach/river

The rest of the pics
Yes, we're on unless it's pouring or close. It's only a slight chance of rain tomorrow and mostly South from the last weather report I heard.
Nice looking spot. Have you heard from Speedsport22??
TLT is ready to go, two small comp packs and a full size play pack for it as well. I'll need to charge up before I go though.
I will be there probably by 2:30p at the latest-more likely closer to 2:15p. It sucks that I have to work-needless to say I'm gonna bust a** on the freeway to get there!!!
Here is a nice shot of your truck Nicklepimp :p


I'll be posting a seperate thread with a lot more pictures from today after I finish going through them, and resizing the good ones.
Mn Comp

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for showing up today. It does take a certian amount of dedication/commitment to show for things like this when everyone has busy lifes etc. I hope everyone had a good time? This is after all what it's all about.
I think over all things went pretty well considering we're all Greener then my font color ;-) The weather held, and over all, I'd say things worked out well for our first ever comp.

I know I sure have alot to do on my rigs, but then again it's a learning experience, I was pretty busy the last couple of weeks and didn't get the kind of testing in I would have liked, but........ like an old prize fighter, I'll be back out and swinging next round ;-)

I hope more of you can make it next time.
4x4rcfreek, sorry to hear about you accident.
Give me a call when you get a chance.

I decided just to upload just about all of the pictures to a gallery on my website for now. I might thin it out at a later time. But for now you can enjoy 10 pages of pictures.

If anyone would like larger versions of any pictures I took of their truck, just let me know what file numbers you would like, and how big you want the pictures.

Here is the link, enjoy. http://www.rc-offroad.com/mnrcrc/
I'm glad to see so many show up to the comp. I had a great time, even though I couldn't make it till 2:30 :roll:, but you know how it is-duty calls. Now that we're moving them till sundays this won't be a problem for me.

Etype-nice pics! I like the one you posted. That will probably be my computer's wallpaper for a while!
Oh, by the way, I can just copy those pics from your site and put them on mnrcrockcrawler.com as soon as I get a chance. It may not be for a day or 2 but they'll be up there soon after!!
the blue meanie

thanks kevin , and by the way , what the hell you doin up at 5 am , thought you were going to Hutch with us?:flipoff:

well it is 6:oo am and i am going to take like an hour nap , somone gimme a call at 7: am to wake me up and let me know i have to go to hutch:flipoff:
Who was it that i was talking to about the Masher 2k tires yesterday at the comp? i'm a lil out of it , Any who , i have 'em if ya want 'em its just a pair(2) that i aint going to use , pm me and let me know:flipoff:
ok , i was thinkin ya were lookin for a pair , i was a lil out of it yesterday , stayed up till 6am workin on the kiddo's truck , got up at 7 and headed to Hutch , the swap meet was a lil small , i still managed to have a lil fun....
Crawling demo/club news

pro beater said:
ok , i was thinkin ya were lookin for a pair , i was a lil out of it yesterday , stayed up till 6am workin on the kiddo's truck , got up at 7 and headed to Hutch , the swap meet was a lil small , i still managed to have a lil fun....

The crawling demo Sun at the Hutchinson hobby shop swap meet went well. Not a huge turnout, but more people showed as the weather got nicer. Nickelpimp even had a State Trooper drive his clod, I think he was trying to get in good with the guy just in case he gets pulled over ;-). Overall it turned out good if a lil small, it was only their first swap. Every nitro guy there was checking out the crawlers, looking them over good, making comments like " look, their using stampede trannys" etc, most seemed to think they were way cool, plus it's always good to network and get in good with the other RC clubs around MN, meet the owner of yet another hobby shop etc. Jason, the owner of the Hutchinson hobby shop is planning on putting in a rock crawling course near their offroad race tracks, and may want some input from our club members as well. They also have 2 nice offroad tracks for those with any offroad racing buggies or trucks. Nickelpimp and I were running my RC10 T4 on the tracks and it's kinda fun. Adogg, the big track would be fun with your B4 :lol:

On to another subject:
I was encourgaged with the first comp, 10 competitors and about 15-18 trucks I think was a pretty good turn out for our first event, it looks as though we had a better turn out then the Warcrc comp also on the calendar for the 10th.
A couple of concerns I had/have: we need firm commitments from at least a couple of club members to show up early to help set things up, get people signed in, and get tech inspection and drivers meeting started, etc. This comp the Cannon Falls news paper printed something in there about us holding the comp in Cannon, by 11:00 am people were showing up to watch the comp, because of not really being ready until 12:00 (and skipping right past the tech inspection and drivers meeting) many left before we started.
Also, after looking yet again through the rules, it seems as though we really weren't scoring quite right. We really need everyone who's competing to read, understand, and memorize the rules. If you have any questions about the rules, or need clairification on anything, just post up here, several guys should be able to answer (those that attended the comp meeting). We'll need everyone competing to know the rules, and be willing to help score other trucks when your not running. This club is a co-operative thing, and it's up to all members to help out where/when you can. Don't take this wrong, things worked out pretty well/smooth for a first ever comp event, however they could even be smoother, and I'm sure after a few under our belt, they will be.
Again, thanks to everyone for coming out to help make MNRCRC'S first comp a big success, and congratulations to all the competitors.
Comp results will be retabulated using the actual rules sheet, and posted on the results thread in the comp section probably later today.
Hopefully with more pic's?
I'm interested in seeing how everyone did. Did Cannon Falls end up being a pretty good spot, or were the lines pretty tough for the 2.2's? Did you guys have to shuffle a few rocks for the 2.2's? What was the general consensus of the location for a comp? I wish I could have made it.
rerock said:
I'm interested in seeing how everyone did. Did Cannon Falls end up being a pretty good spot, or were the lines pretty tough for the 2.2's? Did you guys have to shuffle a few rocks for the 2.2's? What was the general consensus of the location for a comp? I wish I could have made it.

Rerock, we ended up crawling on those 2 piles of rocks they have there for those duck ponds const. We just re-arranged some of them. It actually worked out pretty well. I'll post results tonight (I've got a alot to do today).
I think a few of us are going to Taylors Falls Sun to do some crawling. EtyprR will be posting info on that I believe. EtypeR posted some pic's at his website, link on last page, and nickelpimp is going to be posting them on our site I think, and Adogg I think is gonna do some more of his cool editing and post some vid here?
We did need to move rocks around before starting for the 2.2's. The problem with those rocks are the large pockets. It is a ok spot, but I would prefer a location with natural rock rather then the pile of rocks. Or if it was a pile of rocks, gravel fill would be needed.

And for Taylors falls this weekend, here is the email that Ben sent us.

Hey guys,

We talked today at the club race and decided to switch the crawling
date to Sunday. So we will be rock crawling on Sunday, June 18th at
Taylors Falls. We're thinking 2p.m. would be good and we'll probably
grab lunch at the Drive-In before we start crawling.

See ya,