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any crawlers in MN?

How about having to buy two sets of Jato shafts just so you can get it running. Then you screw up and have to go buy another set ti finish. Anyone else have $60 into their driveshafts? Hell I don't evev have that into my 1:1 shafts including u-joints! Pathetic. I suppose I could've been more patient, but when that's the only thing between you and crawling, I guess you do what ya gotta do.
rerock said:
How about having to buy two sets of Jato shafts just so you can get it running. Then you screw up and have to go buy another set ti finish. Anyone else have $60 into their driveshafts? Hell I don't evev have that into my 1:1 shafts including u-joints! Pathetic. I suppose I could've been more patient, but when that's the only thing between you and crawling, I guess you do what ya gotta do.

I hear ya, I've been burning through money lately like it's going out of style. New trailer, $4,000.00 in new appliances, carpeting bill of $1,100. Tonight a sewer back up flooded a hall and lucky only part of 1 apt, Alto drain cleaning $$, Carpet cleaners $$, Need new tires for one of my trucks, fawk, it never ends. Seems like I'm spending more then I'm taking in lately.
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freetimecrawler said:
I hear ya, I've been burning through money lately like it's going out of style. New trailer, $4,000.00 in new appliances, carpeting bill of $1,100. Tonight a sewer back up flooded a hall and lucky only part of 1 apt, Alto drain cleaning $$, Carpet cleaners $$, Need new tires for one of my trucks, fawk, it never ends. Seems like I'm spending more then I'm taking in lately.

New trailor= $4,000

Carpeting bill= $1,100

Rock crawling with good friends= priceless
Nicklepimp said:
New trailor= $4,000

Carpeting bill= $1,100

Rock crawling with good friends= priceless

LOL, true that.
Actually the trailer was only $1,400.00, and I got it for an even $1,000
It was an order of some new appliances that was 4k. Thankfully I don't have that appliance expense every month, although I do need about a dozen thru-wall AC units yet, they want about $600.00 a piece for a decent unit. :roll:

Notice we're on the calendar, and listed in the next 6 days happenings?
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Mn summer comp series 6-10-06
Just a reminder.
The Mn summer comp series kicks off this coming Saturday.
Location will be Cannon Falls.
Tech and drivers meeting starts at 11:00am.
First truck through the gates at 12:00.
This is the first of a series of 8 comps, we will be using the best of 6 for your summer points total. You're encouraged to try and make all 8, so you can choose your best 6 finishes for your points total.

There will be prizes at the end of the series generously donated by some vendors here at RCC.
Be there or be square!!!
Well I put the Jato shaft up front and replaced part of the drive shaft that went to the rear. Soldered up my connections and set the ESC. I zip tied the electronics and battery down for a test run. Both batterys I had set aside for it were dead, doh! Once they were charged up I took it outside and tested it out.

I locked the front diff, need to do the rear still. And I need to finish trimming the foams in the moabs before I glue the tires on. But with a open rear diff, and unglued tires it seemed to work pretty good. So now I just need to replace those shock mounts on the frame. And add some body mounts, maybe a electronics tray as well? Not sure on that part just yet.

It should be ready for this Saterday.
Can't wait to see 2.2 Etype. I'm so anxious for this saturday it's making me sick!
I've been working on the final touches and making sure everything is tight. I picked up some materials for a new design, but I'm gonna wait till after the first comp before I make any major changes. But I do have I brand new item that I'll be debuting this weekend.

Less than 2 days away!!!
I've got to program a new ESC, and get batteries charged etc etc so I don't have alot of last minute stuff to do Sat. I'm about as ready as I'll ever be, and excited about this comp, it should be a good time. I hope everyone that can, will show up????, and I hope the weather is ok.
Ok guys I've got two problems... I'm planning on being there on Saturday and competing, but I'm not going to be able to climb on the rocks. So that'll make it difficult for me to choose my lines. I may just ram-rod my way through it and take my chances. i can always just delete this one at the end if my others are better.
I went to the doctor yesterday for a follow-up on my ankle. And it turns out that it's worse than originally thought. I have a SEVERE sprain with two torn (not seperated) ligaments on the left side of my angle along with a severe sprain on the lower part of the right side of my ankle. Not to mention that the sprain on the left side ligaments are rather large so it also could be considered a high ankle sprain. Basically the doctor told me that this type of injury is so severe that it would take a pro athlete out for a season. I have to wear a brace with activities until further notice and i'm on 'light-duty' (work limitations) for at least two weeks until my next doctor visit. And I need to schedule a couple weeks worth of physical theropy (2-3 times/week). It's that bad. GRRRRrrrrr.:evil:

Second, I was out and about this evening with my Baja 5b... And "OH MY G0D!" that thing is cool. So cool in fact that I may have to give up this whole crawler thing to run that more often(<there's the second problem). Did about a 15min break-in, just let it sit and idle for it to heat up and seat the rings. Then I let 'er rip. It's not the fastest on acceleration, but it still moves. It's cool watching something that size move around, the shocks work flawlessly absorbing everything. And it's not quite as loud as I thought it would be. When it's sitting next to you, it's kinda loud, like a lawnmower right next to you. But as its out running around 20, 30, 50ft away its not bad at all... I can't imagine that the houses about 200+ ft away actually heard it.
Sorry no pics or vids of it from this evening. I was having way to much fun just running it.:mrgreen:

See you all on Saturday (hopfully;-))

ps: I was just kinda kidding about quitting the crawler thing...:flipoff:
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Speaking of injuries, I heard 4x4rcfreek about cut his arm in half in a circular saw accident. Doubtful he'll be competeting this season, at least not the first part.
This has been a bad season for injuries; Adogg's ankle, Jason's arm/shoulder, 4x4's arm... I'm going to reread my health policy.
Adogg, I'm sorry to hear you're recent development of your ankle. If you need a spotter, I think that would be fair.

Also, are you planning on video taping the comp, that'd be sweet. I think you did a great job producing that last video. I'd like to see what you could do with more footage!
The countdown clock is running!!
28 hours and counting.
It looks as though we're going to miss the rain tomorrow :)
and it's going to be in the low 70's (nice).
Hope to see everyone tomorrow!!
And good luck everyone!!
Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it. I got the crawler together and it has 4WD again, but the BEC for the ESC is too low and won't really run the rear steer too well, and I still need bigger batteries. I'll be sitting at home doing household chores. Wife wants to start remodeling the bathroom. YEAH!
rerock said:
Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it. I got the crawler together and it has 4WD again, but the BEC for the ESC is too low and won't really run the rear steer too well, and I still need bigger batteries. I'll be sitting at home doing household chores. Wife wants to start remodeling the bathroom. YEAH!

If it helps?, I've got a super rooster sitting here set up with deans plugs already that you could use, it will run dual servos no problem. I've also got about 6 packs. The offer is out there. Start your remodeling Sun?. LMK.

Adogg, could you post up your maps again please?
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Even with the same esc you can just run a 4 'AA' batterie pack into the battery connection of the reciever to power just the servos. That will bypass the bec and help with the steering.
I certainly could run a battery pack, but don't want to add the weight. This thing is heavy enough as it is... I'll pick up a new ESC here shortly and get this thing dialed in. Atleast it's in mechanical working order now; that was the hard part, the rest is down hill. I'll be at the next comp.
In case anyone was wondering, I picked up some balls for gates tonight.
I'll also be bringing a cooler with pop,water, and iced tea. I also have a stop watch with me.
Can anyone think of anything else we'll need?
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freetimecrawler said:
In case anyone was wondering, I picked up some balls for gates tonight.
I'll also be bringing a cooler with pop,water, and iced tea. I also have a stopwatch with me.
Can anyone think of anything else we'll need?

Strippers :-P