Here is one I whippped up quick with a font I have.

Etype R said:Ohh I was going through stillwater today and decided to check out the historical marker wayside for my self. I noticed on the second roadblock that there was a newspaper clip taped to the sign. Found the name of it is Boomsite. So I searched google and found a article on the closer there. Its very upsetting that kids who party down there leave trash behind and spray paint anything in sight.
Here is a link to the story§ion=homepage
So because of others, we have lost a great crawling location.
freetimecrawler said:I'll be around home all day working on the course and trailer. If anybody wants to stop by and check out the course? you're more then welcome.
North country, you get that truck finished yet?
On to another subject.
It was brought up at the meeting yesterday.
Since a couple of active club members work Saturdays. To have as large of attendance as possible.
How about moving our comps dates 1 day back to Sundays?
Our June 10th comp would still take place this coming Sat. But after that how about Sunday's? Also we would do an earlier start time, say 10-1100 am?
Please post up your thoughts or objections to moving the comps to Sunday.
North Country said:Its all built now, I just have to do some misc. stuff.
Is anyone running wheel wideners? If so what kind, and what do you think of them? I think I need some.
North Country said:Its all built now, I just have to do some misc. stuff.
Is anyone running wheel wideners? If so what kind, and what do you think of them? I think I need some.
Do you have a digital camera? Maybe Speedsport? Or just someone you know, and you can borrow it?9GUY9 said:I had a geat day to day. I discovered 2 things. 1. My crawler will fit in a back pack with a little force. This is nice because I can now take it on my motorcycle rides and explore for new crawling areas. 2. I finally found a great spot to crawl around here. Just out side of Mankato there is a little town called Rapidam. There a dam on the river there. Theres a trail that goes from the dam down to the river. The trail is probably 1/4-1/2 mile long and has lots of fun ledges, rocks, ect. But the really fun part is when you get down to the river there is a lot of rocks along the beach:lol: I spent 2 hours down there today, there are countless lines to try. I only left because I ran out of batteries.
Speedsport, we will have to get together and head out there some time, and anyone else who is up for it I would be more than willing to show you.
Adogg13x said:Do you have a digital camera? Maybe Speedsport? Or just someone you know, and you can borrow it?
Get some pics of the place and post them up, or email them to me and I can post them up.
Sounds like the right kind of area for some good crawlin'.