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any crawlers in MN?

Adogg13x said:
Yes I am using Deans plugs... I do have a Tamiya to Deans adaprter, if the Tamiya style is the connector that you have on your batteries. Otherwise the wires that I have in the charger can be taken out to put in some that you have to charge your batts.

We can definetly make it work.:) Thanks for helping me out Adogg!!!
Well the Jugg is put back together, charged, and ready to go. Took it for a little test run in the back yard and it ran good. I just had to tweak the remote a little.
Meeting Notes

First off I'd like to say thanks for those who came out: Freetime, Adogg, Speedsport, Etype R, Dennis. We had a productive meeting and some fun crawling (even had some broken parts...always indication of a good time;-) ).

At this time we've decided to keep the club as democratic as possible (i.e. have everyone's input decide what goes around here!). When it comes to desicions it will be the group who decides, not 1 person. Of course we do need a contact, in which we have Freetime, which meets the requirements for rccrawler.com.

As far as Judges, we will have primarily people judge a class that they are not participating in so as to rule out any unfair advantage (i.e. watching what lines people run, peoples mistakes, etc.). For the first comp or 2 will be asking everyone to judge at one point so that everyone can be on the same page as far as rules go. We would like to have 2 judges and 1 scorer also for these first 2 as this is going to be a learning experience for everyone.

Times; we will be keeping track of time, however for the first comp or 2 we will be using it as a guide and as a tie breaker only. After the first comp or 2, we will be holding people accountable for meeting a predetermined time for the course.

We are going to have both a 2.2 class and a 2.2 modified class. The 2.2 mods will be allowed rear steering. It's agreed that having 2.2's with rear steer competing against the regular 2.2's would be an unfair advantage.

There were some rules that were questioned and clairified:

Body must be 70% of it's original form
At this time we don't believe that there is anyone who would not meet this criteria based on the trucks we've seen. However as a guideline; you must be able to tell what the veh is. If any body becomes questionable it will be discussed and voted upon before the competition by all members at that competition. A tuber chassis is acceptable.

Penalty for reversing
The penalties for reversing are as written with the exception that if on an incline the rig rolls backwards slightly (no more than 2 inches) in nuetral (under no reverse power), there will be no penalty because it is not being used as better positioning nor momentum gain. The 2 inches are at the judges discretion.

-If the vehicle rolls over and lands on it's 4 wheels no penalty is given.
-If the vehicle rolls over and lands on it's back, but is able to maneuver itself back on to it's 4 wheels by way of throttle, reverse or steering no penalty is given.
-If the vehicle rolls over and can not maneuver itself back upright, that is a penalty. The vehicle must be pushed over from either side (right or left) keeping 2 tires in contact with the ground. This is a rollover penalty (5 points). If the competitor lifts the vehicle to turn it upright, that is a reposition (10 points). Either way, the vehicle can not be positioned any closer than where the vehicle rested after rolling over.

When people arrive, there will be a signup sheet that will ask for your name, what class(es) you are running in, and what frequency you are using for your radio. If at all possible please bring at least 1 extra crystal just incase you have the same as someone else. If that does occur and you don't have another, I'm sure someone would be willing to lend you their's for the time being.

We ask that everyone please keep in mind that this is a learning experience for everyone, and that the more comps we have under our belts the smoother it will be.

*P.S. Other upcoming events:
-Sunday June 11th, there is a trade fair in Hutchinson. Freetime found this out at the trade fair at Hobby Warehouse when a few of their members were checking us out. They invited us and said they'd like to see us out there. They are even interested in building crawlers of their own. A few of us are planning on attending and having a demonstration. If you (and/or your trucks) are too badly beat up after our comp, I'd encourage as many of you as possible to come out there with us.

-October 19th through 22nd, there is HUGE national expo being held in Chicago, IL. Someone on this site (I don't remember who) is looking for as many crawlers as possible to run their rigs as a demonstation to help build awareness of this great hobby. Once again I encourage as many of us to go down there to represent MNRCRC well.

As for these 2 upcoming events, Freetime knows the most about them. Please contact him with any questions.
Info on the IHobby Expo in Chicago in Oct. The first 2 days a Thurs and Fri are open to dealers only, the last 2 days are open to the general public. If interested in running there? E-mail John at RCP tracks. It sounds like a group of us want to make a weekend in Chicago.

Crawling at Ihobbyexpo 2006
In an effort to help promote the RC crawling scene, I have decided to ship the RCX rock crawling mountain to the 2006 International Ihobbyexpo in Rosemont, Illinois this Oct 19 - 22nd. I have a few people flying out from California to run on the display, but it would be great to get some of the local crawlers to come down and show their skills on the rocks. If your interested in coming down to run on the display with us, you can send me an email and I can keep you informed on the details as they unfold.

RCP Tracks, Inc
It was a fun time.

I have a few ideas for my TLT now. I started playing with the axles and one of my old chassis setups. Right now it looks like I will have 3 inches under the belly, and 5 inches of articulation with a 11" wheel base. Might stretch it out a bit, though I need to mock up the rear end first. I also have it setup with behind the axle steering. I'll probably be able to test run it tomarrow night, or monday. I work fast :P
I'll be around home all day working on the course and trailer. If anybody wants to stop by and check out the course? you're more then welcome.

North country, you get that truck finished yet?

On to another subject.
It was brought up at the meeting yesterday.
Since a couple of active club members work Saturdays. To have as large of attendance as possible.
How about moving our comps dates 1 day back to Sundays?
Our June 10th comp would still take place this coming Sat. But after that how about Sunday's? Also we would do an earlier start time, say 10-1100 am?

Please post up your thoughts or objections to moving the comps to Sunday.
There's one thing we forgot to mention at the meeting. Freetime mentioned that there may be a couple of guys that didn't know. We are running a total of 8 comps. The best 6 scores of each competitor will be used. Therefore you can miss a total 2 events and still be competitive, or if you make it to 7 or all 8 comps you can choose your best 6 scores as your official results.

Also, I will be making this and the other additions/clarifications to our website so that it's publisized and official.

If anyone has any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to post.
i guess dad (maddjack) called the local cannon paper and told them the plans for the comp on the 10th in cannon , they asked if people could come watch , he said yea , sounds like they might be ssend'n out a photographer and do a story on it , i think SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!! free publicity :flipoff:
i have a question as to the rules for 2.2

can 2 people run the same truck?????
as i build MaddJack's truck , and am in the process of building the kiddos , i have nothing to drive and was wondering if i could drive dad's , and i would have to be a spotter for him as well since he cant get out of his chair to get a better view??????

thanks for order'n the bender for me Freetime it'll be a close one , wont have the $ for the pede trans or links till thursday so i called 4x4freak and left him a message if you have the $ i can morethan likely run out there for ya
pro beater said:
i guess dad (maddjack) called the local cannon paper and told them the plans for the comp on the 10th in cannon , they asked if people could come watch , he said yea , sounds like they might be ssend'n out a photographer and do a story on it , i think SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!! free publicity :flipoff:

I think that's sweet! Camera's don't like taking pictures of me (maybe it's my ugly mug? :flipoff:), but I'm sure the photographer is going to be focusing on our rigs instead of us-at least I hope.
pro beater said:
i guess dad (maddjack) called the local cannon paper and told them the plans for the comp on the 10th in cannon , they asked if people could come watch , he said yea , sounds like they might be ssend'n out a photographer and do a story on it , i think SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!! free publicity :flipoff:

Awsome!!! Maybe we'll even get a few locals to come and watch :)
free press is always cool. Have Maddjack pick up a few extra papers if there's anything in it this coming week announcing the comp. I'll start a scrap book.

Getting close to finished with the trailer shelfs for now, might make changes later. Seems to be plenty of room anyway.
pro beater said:
i have a question as to the rules for 2.2

can 2 people run the same truck?????
as i build MaddJack's truck , and am in the process of building the kiddos , i have nothing to drive and was wondering if i could drive dad's , and i would have to be a spotter for him as well since he cant get out of his chair to get a better view??????

thanks for order'n the bender for me Freetime it'll be a close one , wont have the $ for the pede trans or links till thursday so i called 4x4freak and left him a message if you have the $ i can morethan likely run out there for ya

Screw buying links, I've got stuff here to make them. Just get some measurements, and come on over and we'll make them.
Why don't you just run my P4 for this comp until you get another truck together?
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pro beater said:
i have a question as to the rules for 2.2

can 2 people run the same truck?????
as i build MaddJack's truck , and am in the process of building the kiddos , i have nothing to drive and was wondering if i could drive dad's , and i would have to be a spotter for him as well since he cant get out of his chair to get a better view??????

thanks for order'n the bender for me Freetime it'll be a close one , wont have the $ for the pede trans or links till thursday so i called 4x4freak and left him a message if you have the $ i can morethan likely run out there for ya

I'm very understanding of your dad's situation. I see absolutely no problem with him having a spotter. However from what I've seen with his driving vs yours, maybe your dad should be your spotter :flipoff:
Nicklepimp said:
I'm very understanding of your dad's situation. I see absolutely no problem with him having a spotter. However from what I've seen with his driving vs yours, maybe your dad should be your spotter :flipoff:

Lmao :lol:
Probeater and MaddJack are working on the decals for our trucks. When I sent them the pics, I realized the lower case r looks a lot like a lower case z. Obviously we know what it reads, but I'm concerned that others would misinterpret the spelling. In order to keep the same font we'd have to capitalize the entire wording and that kinda looks silly I think. We could always change the font to something else that kicks a$$, but we definetly need a group desicion on this one. Let me know ASAP so I can make the appropriate changes and get them to Pro and Madd right away, thanks.
