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any crawlers in MN?

Club meeting place and time

Club organizationl meeting Sat 2:00 pm
Location: Meeting has been changed to the Burnsville location (directions will be posted)

Bring you rigs!!, as before/after the meeting we'll be doing some running if anyone's interested.

It might also be a good idea to bring along a note pad and pen/pencil.

Also bring your idea's.

Refreshments will be provided.

Please R.S.V.P if you can make it or not?

All are Strongly encouraged to attend, as this will be the final meeting before comp season starts. This meeting is to go over rules, and to vote in club positions, set up judges, etc.
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Club meeting R.S.V.P post.

Just cut and paste and add yourself.

Freetime, will be there.
Nicklepimp will be there. :)
Club meeting R.S.V.P post.

Just cut and paste and add yourself.

Freetime, will be there.
Nicklepimp will be there.
speedsport will be there evin if I have to walk LOL
Club meeting R.S.V.P post.

Just cut and paste and add yourself.

Freetime, will be there.
Nicklepimp will be there.
speedsport will be there evin if I have to walk LOL
Rerock might there. I can't say 100% yet. It depends on how the hydraulic steering on the mud truck goes this week.

Troy, any word on those R&P's yet? I'm dead in the water until those show up.
Well guys I have some GREAT news. I just got home and there was a message on the awnsering machine. Gues what it was.....................

Ok no more suspence
Hiniker gave me the assembly position. I cant belive it they said they would tell me at the end of the week.

Thanks again for all of the suport every one.
Congrats on scoring the job Speedsport!! I hope it's Mon- Fri ;-)

Have you talked to 9Guy9 lately? If you have a number for him? plz give him a call and have him post if he can make this weekends meeting/gtg, and if he's interested in the comps?
Ok, so some bad news...
So today at work was just like anyother day doing my job. I'm picking up all 80 UPS packages that came in and I'm working on putting the last three onto a pallet. Big nasty ugly 10' x 2' x 1' boxes/crates, two of them, that weight 122+lbs each (plus a smaller 70lb boxes to complete the 1of3, 2of3, 3of3 thing). So I get one of the big ones on the plt and working on draging the other over the pallet when the board that I step on breaks. I ended up twisting my ankle, and this time it hurts like hell. I couldn't get up from the floor for a couple minutes because of the pain. It was nice that there happen to be someone else back in the rear of the warehouse that just turned the corner on a forklift. He looks around for something for me to sit on rather than the floor (he found a chair nearby that I hadn't put back upfront yet from an earlier project...). Bla Bla Bla..........
I ended up going to the doctor shortly after. Took some xrays, no breaks. Just a severe sprain. So Now i've got this ankle brace/icepack thing, crutches, work restrictions for a week or so(very restricted for my work), and a prescription for some Vicodin.

So now I'm not so sure I'll be making it to the GTG/meeting at Stillwater... If there's all those steps like ETypeR says, I don't know if I'd be able to handle it. I guess I could wait and see (or someone could try to carry me down;-):lol:)... We'll see how I feel come Saturday. The crutches are only ment to be for the first few days or so when the pain is bad.

Sorry guys... I'll have to give my actual yes/no RSVP on Sat. Or if I don't show up, you'll know why..........................................
Oh... And some good news though.
While I was home recovering with some Vicodin, I get a phone call from TowerHobbies (TowerHobbies actually called me at home, Is that a sign that I spend too much money with them?). They are wondering if I still want the HPI Baja 5b that i've had backordered for the past 5+ months. Ofcoarse I said yes, and they told me that they got their shipment in today and will be shipping it out. HELL YAH!!!!!
And to top it all off, My new Dell laptop should be here on Friday!!!

Like I said, some good news for me..............................
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Adogg, sorry to hear about your accident. The best thing you can probably do the first few days is keep off of it, and keep it elevated, rest it and keep weight off. Been there, done that. Ouch!!
Keep us posted.

Rerock, yes, I have your bevel gear and a ring gear here for you.

Speedsport, if by chance Adogg doesn't make it, you can ride to Stillwater with me if you want.
Dang Dude Dang... Alot has happened today while I was at my parents:

Speedsport got a job... Congrats!!:) I'm glad to see that you're back to work now and busting baulls with the rest of us!

Adogg twisted his ankle. :-( Sorry to hear about the ankle, I hope it heals quickly for you. And hopefully they gave plenty of vicoden... WWWWHHHHHEEEEEEEE!!!! Thought: if your still hurting when the HPI Baja shows up maybe you can just use that to get around! :flipoff:

But I've got some bad news too...
I went out to the spot in Stillwater since I was half way there today. I found the parking areas that Etype was talking about. Both are completely blocked off. No access what-so-ever. Also, even if there wasn't the concrete medians blocking the entrances, we'd have to jump a 5 foot fence in order to get down the cliff. I never saw the stairs, but between the parking and the river a fence lines the entire thing. So I guess unfortunately Stillwater is out of the question.

To throw out an alternative as an option, we could always meet up in Burnsville behind the mall. We know it's all good, plus Adogg wouldn't have to worry about any steps! Post up what you guys think!!
Nicklepimp said:
To throw out an alternative as an option, we could always meet up in Burnsville behind the mall. We know it's all good, plus Adogg wouldn't have to worry about any steps! Post up what you guys think!!

I could live with that alternative... Like you said, no steps. I can just sit in a chair at the top and try running some stuff that way...
Otherwise we can always just g2g at someone's place or a restaurant to have our "meeting", too.
Or do a combo of both. have our meeting and then go running somewhere.
Just throwing out some thoughts.
speedsport22 said:
Well guys I have some GREAT news. I just got home and there was a message on the awnsering machine. Gues what it was....................
Hiniker gave me the assembly position. I cant belive it they said they would tell me at the end of the week.
Thanks again for all of the suport every one.

Also, CONGRATS on the new job!!!
Now you'll have some better income/cash flow for that Clod that you want (if that's still something you want...It's been a while).
I think the mall spot would be good as I have not got to check it out yet.

Thanks Adogg. Heck yea I still want a clod. 2.2s are fun but the big trucks RULE.

On a side note any one want to buy a T-Maxx? It is RTR. with a few upgrades.
Wow its blocked off? thats a to bad. I've been there in the spring before and it has been open. The stairs are at the first parking lot, and there is a bridge that crosses over from the first lot, to the stairs.

Taylors falls is another great place, but you do need to pay for parking. They do sell year long passes though. Probably not the best place for a meeting though, because of the pay to park thing.
You should know by now, I'm game for what ever everyone else votes for. There is alot of places near the Burnsville spot to sit at a resturant and meet before/after running.
freetimecrawler said:
Adogg, sorry to hear about your accident. The best thing you can probably do the first few days is keep off of it, and keep it elevated, rest it and keep weight off. Been there, done that. Ouch!!
Keep us posted.

Rerock, yes, I have your bevel gear and a ring gear here for you.

Speedsport, if by chance Adogg doesn't make it, you can ride to Stillwater with me if you want.

Sweet! I'll give you a call and see about swinging by and picking it/them up. I'll give you a call and see what your schedule is looking like.