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any crawlers in MN?

stormin2u I'm calling troy today and he might go with us on sunday I was thinking around 10 am I 'm going to try to leave you my cell # talk to you soon
I'm sure some guys know where Jerry' RC is. I was going through Lino Lakes the other day and figured I'd stop by and check the place out, but I couldn't find it. Help me out guys.

Jerry's is at 8322 Lake Drive. I always take 35W north to hwy 23(county 23?). I turn left (North). And they're past the 4 way stop on the right hand side. They've got a yellow sign in the front that says Jerry's R/C. I've driven past it a couple times too.

Their phone # is 651-786-1336

Hope this helps.
John Vevea and I are going to do some crawling/scale running at Mississippi River Park in Minneapolis tomorrow at about 10am if anyone is interested?

Probably kick around a few ideas for the R/C-X Games while we're at it.
well the new hustler 2.2 is almost complete and im itchin more than ever (thats alot) come to taylors and run with you guys, hopefully soon ill come down with my fleet of trucks and guys to run them(racers from my cub)(team silverdirt crawlin)LOL but anyways theres been a change in my employment sitituation(for the better) so hopefully ill be able to take part in this later season:-P
well the new hustler 2.2 is almost complete and im itchin more than ever (thats alot) come to taylors and run with you guys, hopefully soon ill come down with my fleet of trucks and guys to run them(racers from my cub)(team silverdirt crawlin)LOL but anyways theres been a change in my employment sitituation(for the better) so hopefully ill be able to take part in this later season:-P

We've got One more comp this Sunday in the Spring/Summer series, then we break until Aug 12th when our Summer/Fall series starts.
Well, after John and I went any ran scalers last Sunday, The H-L died on me.
I thought it was the Pede tranny letting go. After a tear down, I found it was the motor had lost a bearing on the pinion side. Motor replaced, new drive shafts, and everything gone over. She should be ready to go "thumbsup"
I put a new ESC in the XC Chevy, then started going though that. Seems when replacing the bushings on the front end, I somehow misplaced One, and now I'm 1 short. I thought I had some laying around, but of course can't find any :-(
I put a 330oz in servo in the 2.2. Now I just need to make a new body mount for it, and I'll be ready for Sunday's comp a few days early, and I'll be able to enjoy the beautiful weather the rest of this week :)

I'll be starting a new comp tuber build by this weekend, as soon as Hulk finishes a couple of small details on my new chassis. Build thread posted in the Tlt section under new comp tuber "Totallyup4It"

And before I hit submit reply, Have you guys seen the thread about the "Midwest Nationals" being held Oct 12th-14th 2007 at Disney Ok?
Sounds like it's going to be a pretty big regional comp. It's being dubbed "Crawlapalooza 07"
Anyone interested in competing? Kevin and I are giving it some serious thought.
Check out the thread, and post up if interested? It would be fun to get a couple of car loads going down representing MNRCRC "thumbsup"

See you all on Sunday!!
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Not sure where to post this, so I thought why not here. I know that people voted (or where given the option to) on how the club should do points. But looking at the top 2 in 2.2 class and throwing out the worst round the second place in standings (Kevin) has beat the first place in standings (Mike) in 5 of the 6 comps and is still in second place. It just seems kind of backwords to me. I know it doesn't involve me and maybe I shouldnt even worry about it, just wanted others thoughts or opinions on it.
I have a question. Those of you that have the Ice charger. When you rotate the dial to change things, does it move on the screne right away or do you have to move it quite a bit? I just got one and I have to rotate the dial a lot to get it to move on the screne.
Casey, we decided to stick with score over points for a few reasons. If you happen to win a comp with a very large margin over 2nd place, it now reflects that. There are comps with easier courses, where the top 10 is very close in points, and that is something that can hurt a driver much more. Also for the first half of the season that we tracked two methods of season totals, we noticed more changes in rankings with actual score over points. And with the actual score you know how well you have to do in order to either climb in ranking, or maintain your position.

Also with actual score it made the race between me and Kevin much more interesting, as it was down to 13 points at the start of the day between us. He was not locked into place, neither was I. With points, its very easy for someone to get locked into a safety zone. At the end of the day, I won the season by a measly 3 points.

Now with supers, the top 3 supers were locked into their places because of the larger points spread. My Jugg was not fixed from the last comp, and with out the pressure of needing to run in order to keep second place, I did not make it much of a priority, and therefore I did not run supers this comp. Actually this was our smallest supers turnout in awhile.

But if a few people feel we should reconsider the points system over actual score, Kevin could probably tally up the entire season and we could vote one last time on this.

Chris, on my Ice I have to turn two clicks to get it to move one line, some times one click moves it down a line. I tend to just turn the dial quickly until it hits the line I wanted.
Yes, if we would have tracked the points by placement instead I would have won the 2.2 class. But let's analyze this.

This is how the final standings would have looked:

I would have won by 3 'places' (15 points).

Here's what it would have looked like going into the last comp:

In order to win the series, Mike would have had to beat me by 2 positions. If Mike would have beat me by 1 position we would have been tied.

The biggest thing that I don't like about this, is that Mike would have had to depend on not only beating me at the last comp, but also someone else would have had to finish better than me then too. A perfect example would have been yesterday: If Mike would have finished first yesterday, then Greg's score would have affected the final rankings. And it was Greg's first comp. Greg did a great job yesterday, but I don't think that his first comp ever should affect our entire series like that. I would prefer to just have to worry about how well I do, verses making sure 2 people don't beat me.

Here's the final rankings by actual points:

Going into this final comp, I knew that I had to beat Mike by 13 points in order to take first. I almost did it too. I didn't have to worry about how anyone else did except for me and Mike. And I knew exactly how much I had to beat Mike by.

Another way to look at it, Mike beat me by 3 reverses over the course of the entire season. That's a lot easier to make up than 3 positions over the course of the season.

Don't get me wrong... I would have liked to of kicked Mike's butt in both classes:lol: , but I think it's a lot better to track scores based on actual performace verses placement. If you base the scores on actual points, then every penalty counts. As opposed to if you track by placement, then it only matters who did better than you. This is my 2 cents.

Thanks for bringing this up Casey. If people are concerned about this we can vote again. When we voted on this last time we did say that we would open this up for voting in between seasons if people are interested. I would like to see what other people think as well.
That makes sense to me....thanks for the explanation. I wasn't really trying to stir up any controversary, just pointing out what I saw.

I do like the fact that someone who enters 1 comp does not affect the top competitors.

In some ways I still feel if you win 5 or 6 comps that count and have 1 bad comp that you should win, but not sure on how to combine the 2 ways or to compromoise between the 2. Just my thoughts thats all.

Sorry I missed the comp, too many nights of too little sleep. I just couldn't do it. Sounds like it was fun. Look forward to trying to attend a comp/GTG soon.

Just so every knows, please feel free to link any images off my site from our comps any were you like on RCC, or scale4x4rc. I've seen a handful of people download them and upload them to other hosts, I have way more bandwidth then I could ever use my self.
my wheely king is in the mail so i was wondering what class everyone else falls into with them. i plan on doing the build hpi suggests and hopefully havening it done in time for the summer/fall series. any other suggestions you could give me can only help.
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i will soon have my wheely king and i was wondring what class everyone else falls into with them. also i plan on competing in the summer/fall series.

Welcome aboard Joe."thumbsup" You'd be the first (I think) to run a wheely king with us. I think a WK would be more fit for the 2.2 class. You'd have to run 2.2 rims, and have no longer than a 12.5 inch wheelbase. Those are the main 2 rules for the 2.2 class. For the entire set of rules click here.
thanks nicklepimp. ill make sure i fallow em close. as a crawler club do you have monthly meetings?
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thanks nicklepimp. ill make sure i fallow em close. as a crawler do you have monthly meetings?

No set monthly meetings Joe. When we do have a meeting, it's posted here.
We have the schedule posted in the comp section. We have comps every other weekend once the series starts.
Also Joe, check out the thread about the RC X-Games in the comp section.
We're planning on doing a Top Truck Challenge for the scalers. I know it was you who brought up the idea.
if i can i will be there. but it's the same week as the state fair and with me haveing my animals down there idk.
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im not really sure if ill have my wk done by the first comp. it willbe close but not quite. can i run it almost done then finish it in between. probely won't have it done because my spur gear, rod ends, and my driveshafts are all on back order.