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any crawlers in MN?

troy i have sent you many pm's and would like to know if you can bring what you were going to ship to me to the comp tomorrow. i hope to assemble my crawler finally at the comp tomorrow so i would appreciate a response.
3 weeks until our next comp.
Anyone thinking about going to the MWRCA last comp of the Winter season on June 3rd? I'd be interested in carpooling if anyone is going down?

Does everyone have plans for this coming Memorial day weekend?
Anyone wanna GTG for a scale trail run, or some crawling practice?
Post up if interested in either.

I also noticed when looking at my calendar, the next comp (June 10th) is the 1st year anniversary of our 1st official comp as a club "thumbsup"
I am thinking about it Troy, you think Kevin would be up for it? I know he is digging for pennies these days....
Depends on his work schedule I would guess?
I think he's doing ok in the standings for only attending 1 comp, he might wanna try and up those standings.
I'm thinking he could be like me, Jonesing to run more now that the weather is here. 2 weeks between comps is ok, 3 weeks is too long for me. We have just too short of decent crawling weather here. I'll be out this weekend, One way or another. I want to get the DX7 set-up and start getting used to the sticks (again) before our next comp. I started out in RC with stick radios. Hopefully I can get used to One again pretty easy.
I am thinking about it Troy,

If you come you and your truck doesn't explode you pretty much going to get Third in super and win some prizes. A few of the MWRCA members have bailed on us in the warm weather. You have came a few times, in the times that you did come you were in the top 3 which pushed your score up there.

Does everyone have plans for this coming Memorial day weekend?

Thinking about looking at a few new scale truck places this weekend. I don't think I have to work, we'll see.
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scale truck run

I would be intrested in playing befor the next comp or even runing A scale run I need ti figure out how to set up my shock so thay will work ok
talk to yiu later
I have some information about the Nationals. The Nationals are going to be held about the same time last year (early Sept). Exact date and place to be determined. There are only 3 ways to get in:

1. Finish in one of the top 2 spots in your club.
2. Finish in the top 5 from last years Nationals.
3. First come first served entry.

No one in our club qualifies as the #2 option. As far as #1 is concerned, only the top 2 finishers in each club will get an invite. If they can't make it for any reason, then that open slot goes into the pool for the number of first come first serve (#3 option). The deadline for qualifying is July 1st. The top 2 competitors will be determined by the series points standings as of July 1st. Our comp on June 24th will be the last chance for anyone in our club to qualify. The invites will go out to the qualifying people on July 1st, and sign up for them will end on July 5th or so. Then sign up will open for the first come first serve immediately after and close on July 10th. Anyone may sign up for the first come first serve.

This brings me to my next topic of discussion: Points system. We have been trying two ways of tracking our points (actual points, and 100 point system). I will have the standings in both versions posted up soon. But we are half way through the spring series, and we need to decide which one we will use. I am finishing up the standings after our third comp and will have them posted tonight. I will also post up a poll thread so we can vote on each method. Stay tuned.

So we are one run shy of making the deadline, but we will have a full 6 comps in by then :) Just that we will not have the bonus comp with the toss out points yet.

With the season points, score vs. points. Look at how the three of us are ranked in their series, because they use points over actual score me and Kevin are doing pretty good. I have made 2 of their comps and I am in 3rd place for supers, and 4th for 2.2 Kevin made one comp, and he is up in the rankings as well.

That does not seem right to me, If I make the last comp I pretty much have third place in the bag.... And that is only making half of their comps. Now granted a lot of their members have only made half the comps or less so far, it still does not seem very balanced.

Also with points, if you miss a comp you do not know if you will end up with 50 points from a large showing, or 75 points from a smaller showing. With actual score, you know exactly how much you will drop back in points, 160 I believe it is because we have the taller point out cap.

I am a supporter of the actual score, as there is less of a chance of a season final tie. And you have a better understanding of how well you need to do to maintain your place, or to advance in position.

We will probably have a poll in our next comp sign up thread on how we will finish this season in terms of scoring. But we will continue to add up both methods for the first season, so we can compare the full season at the end. We will vote again before the second season starts, in case we want to change to the other method :)

Bleh, thats to much talking..... Anyways, think about how you would like to see us score the comps for the season totals "thumbsup"
my torsion crawler is nearly finished. i just have to make a center body post and trim all 3 posts down and drill them for body clips. i used a plastic hanger to make body posts. i also may need to buy some new drive cups for my xxx-t tranny. when i installed the first ones a piece that holds the shaft of the u-joint snapped off when getting the driveshafts together. i used loctite superglue and it looked like it would hold up, but when i tried to climb up my first step on my staircase in my house the piece broke again.
Also with points, if you miss a comp you do not know if you will end up with 50 points from a large showing, or 75 points from a smaller showing. With actual score, you know exactly how much you will drop back in points, 160 I believe it is because we have the taller point out cap.

I am a supporter of the actual score, as there is less of a chance of a season final tie. And you have a better understanding of how well you need to do to maintain your place, or to advance in position.


Tman you should update your sig :)

I agree, your xxx-t will never crawl, and you should be about done with your first crawler by now "thumbsup"
freetimecrawler;711162 [FONT=Comic Sans MS said:
Does everyone have plans for this coming Memorial day weekend?[/FONT]
Anyone wanna GTG for a scale trail run, or some crawling practice?
Post up if interested in either.

me wanna play YAY!!!!"thumbsup"
That does not seem right to me, If I make the last comp I pretty much have third place in the bag.... And that is only making half of their comps. Now granted a lot of their members have only made half the comps or less so far, it still does not seem very balanced.

Yeah I don't like it much, but the fact is that people rarely make all the comps as our comps are scattered all along the midwest. If I did it by points then everyone would be far out of the series except for me. Since I never miss a comp I want to give the others a chance in the series to keep their interest up. I just do it if you don't show you get 5 points below the lowest score. If we had one spot to comp at every time, if we had the people showing up every time, the I would do it by points.
Yeah, with your group it does seem like the best way to handle it, since most of your members can not make all of them.

Going with your comp scores, you have a better chance of advancing in position, and you have to work harder to hold the top spot. Just look at our last comp, Lee was able to stomp us with his 2.2 and climbed up in the rankings. And he earned that spot with how he ran, points he is 2 positions lower.

It is interesting to see both systems played out this season though, gives everyone a good idea of how each system works. I think there will be more moving up and down in rankings with the actual scores, which I think is a good thing :)
Sunday scale trail run

If anyone's interested? I'll be hitting up Mississippi River Park (Howl crawl spot)
For some trail running at High noon on Sunday 5-27-07

EDIT: This area, is best suited for 2.2's, and scalers. It's hard to find much of a challange for the supers.
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