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any crawlers in MN?

I just sent out a PM to another new RCC member from Anoka letting them know about MNRCRC. I'm suprised how much crawling interest there is in MN being a non mountain state "thumbsup" I'd say we're pretty lucky to have such high interest, and not having to drive so far for comps like MWRCA guys.
I finally broke down and bought some Energizer 2000mAh AA rechargable batterys and a charger for my radios. I would of bought the charger just for the DX3, but I have a DX7, and my TQ3's that use the AA's as well as stuff around the house, figured it would be more versitle, and I'm sick of spending $8-10 on batterys every few weeks.
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Just an FYI.

For anyone going to the Taylors Falls on Sunday, when you are done you can stop by the MN Nitro Series race in North Branch, if you want.

Directions from Taylors Falls:
West on 95, it will be on your left (south) side just before you get into town. There will be a yellow sign at the end of the driveway that says MNRC Radio Control Racing with an arrow. Come check it out, it is a fun filled atmosphere. A little different than crawling in terms of speed, but hey, we all just like to play with little toy cars.

On that note, sorry I can't make it to the comp, I am the Chairman of the MNRC Series. I pretty much have to be at the races all of the time. Everyone have fun and good luck.

I was just in north branch last night, picking up tires for the fj40 :) I tend to just wanna go home and relax afer a comp though, makes for a long day.
How was the comp? Couldn't ask for a much better day. It was not too hot, a little windy and no rain. I an't wait to hopefully hit a comp in June. If anyone is going to Taylors Falls for a GTG or for fun, post up here, I would love to go.

The comp was great, started out a little on the cold side. But later in the day the sun came out and it warmed up, I even broke my TLT :)

I might go out this weekend to test the dig on the jugg.... I just set it up this morning, I just need to get the servo setup now. I was having issues with the mg81 shifting it.
Yeah I gotta email him on that again, but I should get the fj40 rolling before I really get on him about it :)
I met a few of you guys at the comp this past weekend and I’m glad I showed up. I really enjoyed myself and it was nice to crawl with others that enjoy the hobby. I believe I took last in the Super Class but it was a lot of fun.
Good to hear that you had fun out there Brian :) With some better batterys and some decent run time you should do a lot better. Its hard to compete when your battery pack dies so quickly :)
I met a few of you guys at the comp this past weekend and I’m glad I showed up. I really enjoyed myself and it was nice to crawl with others that enjoy the hobby. I believe I took last in the Super Class but it was a lot of fun.

Actually 2nd to last, comp results are posted in the Competition section here at RCC. But glad you have a good time anyway.
Hope to see you back out soon. Our MNRCRC schedule is posted here in the comp section, also on the clubs website, link in my sig.
I now have a 3L chassis, tranny, axles, 1.9 moabs and a hi-lift body. Time to start on my scale/trail build. I hope to have it done by next week. I want to go test it out in the mud, water and rocks.

Glad everyone had fun at the comp.

Etype R....shoot me a pm if you decide to go somewhere. I may be interested in going, even if you go in the cities. It may give me incentive to try and finish the scaler before the weekend (especially if you go to the place where howl crawl was).

Sunday scouting

If anyone's interested? Kevin and I are talking about a Sunday scouting trip in search of some new crawling locations. Heading out Sunday morning with the intentions of checking out, Banning St Park, ( Hells Gate area sounds interesting) Jay Cook St Park,(been there, but not when I was into crawling) and possibly St Croix St Parks. Anyone? Anyone?
If anyone's interested? Kevin and I are talking about a Sunday scouting trip in search of some new crawling locations. Heading out Sunday morning with the intentions of checking out, Banning St Park, ( Hells Gate area sounds interesting) Jay Cook St Park,(been there, but not when I was into crawling) and possibly St Croix St Parks. Anyone? Anyone?
Does mean your headin up mine and silverdirts way?? we were talkin on headin there ourselves to scout--maybe we would try to meet you there or something although he might have to work.
If anyone's interested? Kevin and I are talking about a Sunday scouting trip in search of some new crawling locations. Heading out Sunday morning with the intentions of checking out, Banning St Park, ( Hells Gate area sounds interesting) Jay Cook St Park,(been there, but not when I was into crawling) and possibly St Croix St Parks. Anyone? Anyone?
i am heading up there sunday for my sisters graduation, but i may be busy. if i have my crawler together i will bring it up for some crawling. maybe i can meet you if i have spare time.
Troy, you gotta find a lighter color if you are gonna use colored text.... That blue is hard to read on the dark background.

Tman, you get everything for your truck yet?
Troy, you gotta find a lighter color if you are gonna use colored text.... That blue is hard to read on the dark background.

Tman, you get everything for your truck yet?

This better Mike??
No, I haven't had the time to make the steering links yet, so I haven't sent out the chassis. I'm going to make some time to make the links tonight, and send the stuff of tomorrow Priority mail so he gets it by Fri. I also wanted to take some pic's of my set-up for him to use as a guide. Although, if Casey helps him, he probably won't need any pic's.
After checking over the Hi-Lift, I found some leaf damage in the rears. Good thing I have some extra leafs around. I think it's time for a total rebuild of the HL. I think I'm going to build a new chassis for it, and more then likely get rid of the 3 speed in favor of a Pede and more grond clearance. Also going to have to hook up a more powerful rear rescue winch. This might take a while.