Rock Crawler
More added. Thoughts? Comments? Questions?
I think much of your thread has errors. But because they're confusing topics and I'm not sure exactly what's right I can only pick on the few things I'm pretty sure are wrong. I'm not good at expressing tone, so please know that this is not an attack. It's just the way I discuss things. And you asked.;-)
You wrote: "As long as the tires can maintain traction, the Jeep will not tip."
Your Jeep tip-over thing seems like easy pickin's. The jeep will tip over whenever the green spot gets past a certain point near the outside edge of the downhill tire tread. The only reason it doesn't hang in there all the way to the edge of the tire, is the tire is rubber, and will collapse under too much pressure applied just to the edge.
But the relation to the roll-center is almost non-existent. First, a tangent, a car does not exactly roll about it's roll center. It rolls about the roll axis with is a line passing thru both roll centers. No matter -- that's a nit. How easily the jeep rolls about its RC/RA is more than just the geometry. It's also the spring rate. And limit straps. And bump stops. And while this may affect how the jeep behaves as you start pushing it over, the final roll over always occurs solely as a function of when the CG gets onto and starts to pass the downhill tires.
You're statement that the jeep cannot roll as long as it has traction is clearly wrong. Suppose I nailed the downhill tires to a huge piece of plywood (inifinite traction). Referring back to your statement I quoted above -- You really think the jeep won't roll over anyway once I tip the plywood steep enough?
I kinda want to pick on your TT post too, but I don't understand it well enough yet. Gotta think some more on it. Thanks for the push.
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