Hot and humid during the day with pretty decent nights. Shorts and t-shirts during the day. Light jacket and pants at night, if for nothing else than keeping the airsoft bb's off your arms and legs.
Say what?:shock:
You heard me...

Hot and humid during the day with pretty decent nights. Shorts and t-shirts during the day. Light jacket and pants at night, if for nothing else than keeping the airsoft bb's off your arms and legs.
Say what?:shock:
Hot and humid during the day with pretty decent nights. Shorts and t-shirts during the day. Light jacket and pants at night, if for nothing else than keeping the mosquitos off your arms and legs.
You want Jason in cuffs again :lmao:
That statement needs a LOT of clarification!
No turnning back now,got my invite and Room paid for $54 a nite (nonrefundable)
Sweet 48 days until the take off 8)
Where are you staying? $54 a night is much more affordable for me than the $99 a night at the Holiday Inn. I have not paid for a room yet, so cheaper is better! Non refundable is no issue, I plan on being there "thumbsup"
Jason in cuffs? :shock:
Traveling all the way across the country to miss 50% of the action seems sort of silly;-)
Baby on the way and took a paycut to stay employed sounds broke :lmao:Is the evening antics at the "inn" worth the extra $50'ish a night?
Where are you staying? $54 a night is much more affordable for me than the $99 a night at the Holiday Inn.
I would say Yes, it's worth it, but camping has it's own fun as well. Scalein' at night is great fun but having a nice air conditioned hotel room to come back to and sleep in can't be beat.
And that was just for fireworks,These rednecks see a punch of guys with toy guns they may get real excited :ror:
Trust me I remember......I took the picture :mrgreen:
I will be staying clear of officer toof-less to the best of my ability.
View attachment 139865
And that was just for fireworks,These rednecks see a punch of guys with toy guns they may get real excited :ror:
Oh no, you can have fireworks, you just have to be on the right side of the powerlines
I was about 15 feet too far to the north.
<!-- Property address, etc --> Super 8 - Big Cabin/Vinita Area
30954 S. Hwy 69
I-44 Exit 283
Big Cabin/Vinita, OK 74301 US
Phone: 918-783-5888 <!--//Change made for Muliti-MediaLinks ERF-->
Where are you staying? $54 a night is much more affordable for me than the $99 a night at the Holiday Inn. I have not paid for a room yet, so cheaper is better! Non refundable is no issue, I plan on being there "thumbsup"
Jason in cuffs? :shock:
keep scrolling there should still be 2 bed rooms still avilable