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Yeti XL - First Impression


Aug 29, 2014
First off, holy buckets this mother is huge!!

I shot some video, I'll upload it later after I do some editing.

It's scary on 6S. Definitely a learning curve there for me.
I'll be investing in new 2S batteries and a new servo straight away.

If you're on the fence on this purchase. I would say do it. It's worth every penny.



After seeing it perform in person, the only thing I think it needs is a rear sway bar. Other than that it looked awesome to me and I would buy one.
very cool you got it.. keep us posted on what ya think after a few good days of running..
I've only had a few moments to really run the Yeti today. Mostly took it easy. I was super paranoid about breaking something. LOL

Here's a quick video of my first encounter.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/vFvnmZQzkE8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

frackula YouTube Channel
this thing is going to be so much fun.. 6s, some sand paddles.. priceless fun..:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I watched my buddy rip one of the rear trailing arms off the chassis within 45 seconds of the first run. Needless to say he was not happy! It is fun but another typical axial product where you have to upgrade everything to make it hold up to general bashing.
It's scary on 6S. Definitely a learning curve there for me.
I'll be investing in new 2S batteries...

I've only had a few moments to really run the Yeti today. Mostly took it easy. I was super paranoid about breaking something.

I watched my buddy rip one of the rear trailing arms off the chassis within 45 seconds of the first run. Needless to say he was not happy! It is fun but another typical axial product where you have to upgrade everything to make it hold up to general bashing.

I'm guessing these issues are all related to running 6s. Sketchy, torque twist, TAR throttle stabs...:lmao: Come on, you guys aren't rookies here. Anybody out there run 6s in there axial anything? No, cause it's ridiculous to run that much power into a crawler,u4 or g6 type rig. It's not a Emaxx or HPI anything, it's a Axial scale style vehicle. So because Axial teamed up w Castle and the esc will do 6s doesnt mean it has to be run at 6s. Throttle stabs on tar with a RTR truck on 6s is gonna look have some funny twists to it. I thank Axial for continuing to bring new options and now bigger. I think this is a 4s truck and gonna be fun. I drove the one Jason's got for a few minutes in Disney. I believe it was on 4s and it was more than fast and nimble. I'm in. "thumbsup" ...when they are available. :cry:
hey now the the truth comes out.

Wasnt tryng to hide anything. It rolled through a corner about half speed on 4 cell. It was an easy rollover and it shouldnt have failed. We were all pretty amazed and obviously my friend was pretty pissed and dissapointed. Hopefully there will be some quick aftermarket parts out for it, it seems like people will be needing them quick!
Sometimes those little crashes put hard force on a part. I hit a stick with my wraith and sheared a futaba servo output. Sounds pretty mild, until I also say it was at 20mph while turning hard on a brick surface with no servo saver. What looked mild was me stuffing one wheel into a stick at full lock and 20mph.

That half speed roll, probably on asphalt or grass? I've half speed rolled an emaxx and broke bulkheads. Catch a tire the right way and something will break!