Now for Rear steering control we will be using PMix2 (program mix 2). Set the Master channel to steering and the slave channel to channel 4 (rear servo). I set the left and right values as -100%. Make sure the mode is set to Active at the bottom.
I set PMix1 on push button 1 which is on the bottom of the wheel, it feels very natural to hit the button it is a fantastic spot. I set PMix2 to push button 2, which is on the grip followed but and easily activated/deactivated by your middle finger..
To do this go to the SWTCH menu.
Set PS1 to PROG MIX1 / ALT
Set PS2 to PROG MIX2 / ALT
Now for rear steer activating PMix2 by pushing the button on the grip gives me a standard tight turning type setup.
Now for independent rear steer. Go to the Dial menu and set the the first three lines as such and all others to OFF:
*DL1: CH4: 50 / NOR
*DL2: CH4: 50 / NOR
*DT1: CH4: 50 / NOR
The value of 50 can be adjusted depending if you want the amount your rear turns on each click to be more or less. With the 50 value your wheel will turn half way towards full lock with each click. So if you click it twice to the left than you will be at full lock left. Understand?