Anyone know the voltage the stock electronics delivers to the steering servo?
When using a 2s lipo or 6 cell Nimh the voltage is probably near 6v. When you go to 3s lipo the voltage to the servo will drop significantly.
Anyone know the voltage the stock electronics delivers to the steering servo?
Harley, I'm not doubting that you are correct, but why would servo voltage be less if running 3s? Just wondering .. I'm trying to absorb all the info I can.
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Honestly I am only vaguely familiar with how the internal circuit works. As the voltage goes up the power output from the internal BEC goes down. Maybe I can get Holmes to expand on it.
Bec can only do a fixed amount of wattage. The equation for watts is volts x amps. So as volts go up, the amps must come down to equal the same wattage. I think.....
Bec can only do a fixed amount of wattage. The equation for watts is volts x amps. So as volts go up, the amps must come down to equal the same wattage. I think.....
Are you guys using the MIP drive shafts and the traxxas pins cutting off the parts of the pin that hangs out of the drive shafts? It seems the pin will hit the back side of the transmission cover if it isn't cut.
I have a question about BEC. I run lipo 3s but my ESC is HH BR-XL with an internal BEC of 6 volts and 5 amps...Do I need to put an external BEC ? I think that I don t need due to my new ESC but if specialist can confirm...
I am here:,-95.460034
Axial Wraith and Losi SCTE
Stock Internals:
The transmission in the Wraith is a modified version of the AX10/SCX10 transmission. It uses the same gears but incorporates a new rear case half and steel outputs. The new rear case and output shaft are in preparation for the new dig unit that will be released from Axial. For this reason not all upgrades listed for the AX10/SCX10 will work with the Wraith however. The center and final gears in the transmission are plastic and are the most prone to failure inside your transmission.Harley after reading this I got thinking which at times can be dangerous & expensive. Will the Vanquish Hurtz Shifter 3 Position Dig for Axial AX10 Scorpion #VPS01337 fit the Wraith's transmission? I prefer to run my Wraith without the interior kit, so space will not be a issue. Also when is Axial releasing there dig kit? And will any other AX10 dig kit fit without the interior kit? Here is a link to the kit I am talking about. Thanks for all the great info!
Vanquish Hurtz Shifter 3 Position Dig for Axial AX10 Scorpion (Black)#VPS01337*-*Driveline Parts: Transmissions/Dig Units and transmission/dig parts*-*-By Truck: Axial AX10 Scorpion, SCX10, Honcho*-*The Crawlers Store LLC
I ran dig and 4WS in my Wraith at first. After a very short time I took the dig out. With 4WS I just did not see it needed at all.
Did you try more advantage with 4ws then dig?
I was planning to buy a Vanquish dig for my wraith..
Is it direct fit on stock wraith tranny?
I ran dig and 4WS in my Wraith at first. After a very short time I took the dig out. With 4WS I just did not see it needed at all.
what are your thoughts on the strc front end pieces c hubs, knucles things like that?