On Savox 0231...
I'll bump it to 7.4 and see what it does. I'm not in the habit of over-powering electronics. :twisted:
So, what IS your favorite flavor for use with a 3amp bec? All of the ones in that vid except for the TRX one are well over at stall, some twice over.
The 'power hd lw-20g' or whatever? I'd be willing to give one of those a shot.
I haven't had stripped teeth, but have had wobbly output shaft. But then I don't pull them apart - if they're not right I toss them.
I just wouldn't recommend buying another. They are painfully slow and very weak compared to the $15-20 waterproof cheapies. They'll last for the same reason a Toyota transmission will last 500k miles, because there's no power to stress it. At the very least pump some power into it, Savox reps actually tell people they do 7.4v despite being rated for 6v.
I'll bump it to 7.4 and see what it does. I'm not in the habit of over-powering electronics. :twisted:
So, what IS your favorite flavor for use with a 3amp bec? All of the ones in that vid except for the TRX one are well over at stall, some twice over.
The 'power hd lw-20g' or whatever? I'd be willing to give one of those a shot.
I haven't had stripped teeth, but have had wobbly output shaft. But then I don't pull them apart - if they're not right I toss them.
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