Browneye: Meeting the performance requirements seems to be the easy part, reliability, not so much. The PowerHD 20kg seems to be the most popular for about $20, I've been content with the 277oz @ .15s that my mg958's give for $11.
Good on ya for fixing it...I would have tossed it. [shrug]
Found that MG958 on Banggood - holy that's a bargain part. "thumbsup"
I think I'll pick up a couple for backup. It doesn't say they're waterproof, or did I miss that? I don't drive through water anyway. ;-)
They reference others too, but I'm not very good at deciphering differences in all the specs. Surely I'd pick the wrong one!
I'll go see if I can find the vid...
I need to find some alternates for my buddy's new TRX4 - he's a noob and just got the rig, already seeing his steering stall out. I told him not to expect the server last very long, so we better have a spare on hand. I guess the bec in that rig isn't squat either - like 1ah or something. :roll:
EDIT: found the vid...skipped to 6min for the wrap up and rating, shocking to see amp pull at stall. Since my HW1080 puts out 3ah I'll stick with the lower rated servos 'till I find they don't have enough pull, then upgrade to an external bec and make a decision at that time.
I liked the first 1080 esc I got so well I bought four more, all three rigs have one and I have an extra since it was on sale for $30. I haven't tried the other servos, but the 0231 I have in the one rig works better than a stock ascender one, and better than the ARRMA one they put in their 6s-powered fast rigs - typhon, kraton, etc. For $32 I though the Savox was a bargain. I'm glad I didn't go for the 01230 - 7amps at stall?? :shock:
The ADS-15 is a HV so you can run it at 7.4, which the HW1080 will do, and it does work a lot better there, but I was afraid I was going to burn out my LED lights and controller at that voltage so I set it back to 6v. The Savox 0231 runs on 6v.
For my comp rig I may well have to break down and do some fancy wiring (BEC) :mrgreen:
EDIT2: The MG958 servo is not waterproof. Found reference in the Q&A section of the product listing. They could not even recommend something compatible that is. I'll stick with my Savox 0231.