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What the #$&@?! Flysky gt3c and ae-2 issue


I wanna be Dave
Subscribed Member
May 13, 2010
The east coast
I'm far from a newbie on working with electronics but this one has me stumped. I was switching over some rigs from a traxxas tq system to the flysky gt3c. I did the binding of a new rx to the tx no issue. Steering responds normally. There was no throttle response which I figure was as simple as needing to recalibrate the esc with the new radio system. Went through the normal ae-2 calibration process but after a ridiculous number of attempts I'm out of ideas. With the esc powered off I pull the tx trigger to full throttle then flip on the esc. Green light blinks and it plays a few tones then the red light starts to blink with a tone. That is when you are suppose to go to full reverse and wait for the next series of tones. That never happens. It just blinks red forever as if it can register the reverse throw.

I mixed things up and plugged the esc into channel 1 and using the steering wheel I can get the motor to go into forward and reverse so the esc is working fine. When I hook up my old traxxas system everything works fine. I use this flysky tx with another rig so in know the tx is working fine. For the heck of it I tried another rx with this ae-2 and get the same result.

For channel 2 I have the trim zeroed out, D/R set to 100%, expo set to zero and the channel is reversed (I tried noral with no bether results).

I'm open to any suggestions short of a sledgehammer to this flysky system, although it has been a lot more trouble than it has been worth. I wanted to go with something easier to program than the traxxas but that doesn't seem to be working out for me.
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Try reversing channel 2 on the controller.

Edit: should've read better you already tried that.
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Try reversing channel 2 on the controller.

I have tried both normal and reversed. The lights and beeps behave differently but neither allows for successful calibration.

I've heard that the ae-2 is very sensitive to trim being set to zero. Mine is zeroed out but I'm thinking of trying a non-zero setting to see if that gives a different result. As I mentioned I'm grasping at straws here to get this fixed.
Here a a few short videos to show the issues.

1. Normal attempt at calibrating the esc. Ch2 is set to reverse: https://youtu.be/EXh3epEy9Ok

2. Another attempt to calibrate but with ch2 set to normal:

3. Swapped ch1 and ch2 to show that the esc works with input from the steering wheel and that the trigger can control the steering servo: https://youtu.be/ZzI0PwhnyRw

4. Normal connections. Shows that when I turn on the esc it just blinks green in neutral and all forward throttle. The green light goes out when I push to full reverse: https://youtu.be/zdhXBtYjiD4
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And the mystery deepens. I had another rig with an ae5 I was going to switch over from a traxxas to flysky system. In the video you will see how both behavior with the traxxas an flysky systems. In both cases I get throttle control but if you watch and listen they are different. With the traxxas system it seems to get higher top ends in both forward and reverse. You can see the esc light change from flashing red as throttle increases to solid red at max forward or reverse. The flysky doesn't do this.


So, is there something in the flysky system that would be limiting the throttle throw? Seems like this may be the issue as the ae2 might be more sensitive and can't see the full throtitle throw.

I'm about to chuck this flysky system in the trash! Please help!
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Is the ABS turned on? That could be messing with the esc. Double check end points...if you have another esc you could try things with a different esc. Check the D/R setting. Maybe check the flysky manual do a full factory reset and bind to your reciever first than hook the esc up.
If you swap channels can you steer with the throttle? It's not a bad physical throttle is it?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Is the ABS turned on? That could be messing with the esc. Double check end points...if you have another esc you could try things with a different esc. Check the D/R setting. Maybe check the flysky manual do a full factory reset and bind to your reciever first than hook the esc up.
If you swap channels can you steer with the throttle? It's not a bad physical throttle is it?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Doubled check my settings. No ABS, end points set to 100%, D/R set to 100%. At this point I've worked with two different esc's with similar results. I did have this system working with a third system (kenexsis) but thinking back I had similar issues as with the ae5, not getting to full throttle in either forward or reverse.

I'm going to look into the full tx reset to see if that is possible.

One other data point. When I got the radio the selector switch on the scroll wheel wasn't working. Had a bad momentary switch. I opened up the radio and repaired the switch without issue. I wonder if I somehow did something to the trigger in the process.

At this point all signs point to a problem with the trigger and or throttle control on the radio itself.

Edit: opened up the tx to look at the throttle. Even when I pull the trigger piece off and turn the potentiometer by itself the range of movement is limited compared to the steering channel. Now I'm stumped. How are all these other people using this tx successfully. I've invested in a bunch of rx's so I either take a chance and by another tx and hope it works different or I take the loss and sell the whole system. I'd really like to hear from someone using this radio with similar esc's.
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I did a video where I plugged a servo into ch1 and ch2 separately to see how much movement I get. Ch2 has significantly less movement than ch1. I did the same with my traxxas system for comparison and it is obvious the throttle on the traxxas system has a much wider movement than the gt3c.


Could someone out there with a gt3c do a similar video so I can compare? If you show a lot of movement on ch2 then I know my tx is the problem. It won't make me happy but knowing the source of the problem would give me some peace of mind.
Hi, I run a couple of gt3c's and a gt3b.

Ran them botched hacked and unhacked. Is yours hacked?

Can you enter the calibration menu on the Tx?

Think it's hold the wheel right and switch on been a while since I've done it.

There is a really good thread by Losikid all about these radios and the hack that may help

Cheers Andy
Hi, I run a couple of gt3c's and a gt3b.

Ran them botched hacked and unhacked. Is yours hacked?

Can you enter the calibration menu on the Tx?

Think it's hold the wheel right and switch on been a while since I've done it.

There is a really good thread by Losikid all about these radios and the hack that may help

Cheers Andy


Try this not sure if it's just for hacked radios or not cheers

Ps it was switch it on full wheel right and hold enter to cal menu

Thanks Andy

I appreciate the responses. Is there a way to see if the radio has been hacked? Just try to enter the calibration mode like it says in the linked thread? I did the power on and turn to the right, which seemed to clear the model memory but i wasnt paying attention to the screen. I got this radio in trade but I don't think the previous owner would have had it hacked.
I was searching through losikids thread but didn't see this topic touched on, or at least I didn't see any mention of a limited throttle throw.

If someone else did the servo on ch2 test it would help me out.
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I had the same problem yesterday and also have the Flysky GT3B and the AE-2 .the tricky part is you have to turn on your transmitter give full throttle and keep it there.At the same time turn one your ESC and then you will here some beeps 1 beep for full throttle let go then you'll hear 2 beeps full brake then 3 beeps then let go and leave in neutral ..
Here the instructions...it fix mine..


and this the manual that if you don't have a castle link .


good luck..."thumbsup"
Might try posting this question in the flysky gt3b thread here:
GT3B Hack Question and Answer Thread - RCCrawler

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I think I will. At this point I just want to confirm it is a problem with my tx and others don't have this issue before I go out and buy another tx just to have the same problem.

I had the same problem yesterday and also have the Flysky GT3B and the AE-2 .the tricky part is you have to turn on your transmitter give full throttle and keep it there.At the same time turn one your ESC and then you will here some beeps 1 beep for full throttle let go then you'll hear 2 beeps full brake then 3 beeps then let go and leave in neutral ..
Here the instructions...it fix mine..


and this the manual that if you don't have a castle link .


good luck..."thumbsup"

Thanks. Funny thing is I use those same instructions and can calibrate the ae2 with my traxxas system no problem. It responds just like it should to the calibration sequence. But when I try the flysky it's as if it never sees the full forward and definitely never sees reverse.
And the throttle is set at full in reverse and forward on your Tx..
Did you try to start over like re-bind again and then try to calibrate your ESC the way axial says like the 3 beep method..
And the throttle is set at full in reverse and forward on your Tx..
Did you try to start over like re-bind again and then try to calibrate your ESC the way axial says like the 3 beep method..

End points (forward and reverse) are set at 100%. Ch2 is set to rev (I've tried it in normal with no better results). I have re-bind the rx to the tx and tried recalibration with the same result. To be clear when you say 3 beep method you are referring to the instructions for the ae2 you linked, right? Hold full forward when you turn on esc (green light flashes and it beeps), once red light starts flashing and it is beeping hold full reverse until you get a sequence of tones then let trigger return to neutral, it gives another sequence of tones and then it is done.