Quarry Creeper
Post some photos!
Well, 17+ hours into a 19+ hour print, something went wrong. Got up sunday morning and it had fallen off the print bed and I had spaghetti. :evil: Must have happened with 10-15 minutes of me getting up as there wasn't a huge amount. I was able to print the rest separately. Now I need to cut the sections that are knackered and figure out how to glue it together. Maybe I will post some pics to get suggestions.
Thank you! Yes, I got great help from a member on here. I had to completely re-calibrate my machine for some reason.
Sweet! I had some weird issues like that as well. I did a print and it was too small. Re-sized it but apparently forgot to switch print profiles from PETG to PLA. It was printing too high. Once I figured that out, for some reason, it would print the prime line fine then it would raise the nozzle like 2mm. Had to re-calibrate the Z axis to get it to work again. No clue what happened.
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