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Water Proofing Electronics

I used plastic sandwich bags to protect my Dingo electronics. San Diego just got tons of rain so I had to do some quick puddle-proofing (non-submergable). The set up worked for about 30 minutes, but I got some water in the servo. So far nothing looks damaged, but the motor motor (brushed) smokes when I applied throttle. 6 hours of work later... it sort of works.
So I'm working on water proofing my electronics per squirrels vid on youtube. The servo went with out a hitch. The esc is where I'm not too happy. He said a couple of coats of liquid electrical tape. Well were I went they only had red and I wasent to crazy about it but oh well. I'm now glad I have the red though cuz now I can see I keep getting holes that are appearing. I might not have not have noticed it with the black. My problem is that I keep filing them in and it they keep opening up. Its getting very frustrating. I cant fit the case back on either since its too thick. I'm almost to the point where I'm going to peel it off and get the plasti-dip in the can. I used the spray on my servo and am happy with the outcome. Has anyone else had that problem with the liquid electrical tape? I'm open to suggestions....
Don't put liquid tape on your electronics. It's a bad solution for waterproofing. Peel it off and use something better.
Has anyone waterproofed a Tekin RS ESC? I have been reading this thread and there are so many ways. Just wanted to maybe see some pics if anyone has or your opinions.

Has anyone waterproofed a Tekin RS ESC? I have been reading this thread and there are so many ways. Just wanted to maybe see some pics if anyone has or your opinions.


I think it's DJMedic2008 who has a great vid of plasti dipping a tekin product on you tube, my only concern is if enough of the posts on the esc Are exposed to prevent over heating.
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anyone know of any other fully waterproofed EScs???

i am currently experimenting with the new as seen on tv's flex seal a rubber coating spray for waterproofing. i am spraying my batteries, and removing the circut board from my esc and coating it as well, i will let you know how it goes, im shooting to have everything coated by thisweekend and ready to crawl, "thumbsup"
ok here it goes after a hour of reading all these posts in case i missed my question already answered.. the balloon way seems easy and i was wondering if you pack all your receivers and ports and basically anything electrical besides the motor with dielectric grease and then put the balloons over your receiver and servo would work fine i hope, now my question is what about the esc? can i pack it with dielectric? will it hurt anything? then if you put a balloon over it and zip tie it wont it over heat? i dont want to go the plasti dip way and i dont want to wait for epoxy to arrive in the mail, what i am looking for is a easy solution to an annoying problem, so i hope to hear some replies from the ones using the balloons and what did you do for the esc? thanks!:flipoff::twisted:
Don't put liquid tape on your electronics. It's a bad solution for waterproofing. Peel it off and use something better.

Why is this bad? What is the difference from plastic dip and liquid electric tape? Thanks for the help. I just put liquid electric tape on my mamba max,7950,and the board on my pro4. I still haven't put power to them yet.
Isn't there some sort of spray-on water proofing substance that might protect servos, receivers, and connections from moisture?
I was in a RC sailplane contest a few days ago and the rain/mist/drizzle was intermittent until the contest director cancelled the event. I did what I could to protect the electronics in my plane by placing a towel over it when waiting to launch. Of course, when flying, the leaky canopy was all that protected the gear.
I didn't have any problems. But, I'm interested in knowing what product(s) I might consider using to avoid moisture issues in the future.
Any recommendations?Dynam RC Airplane
Has anybody used 3m scotchkote? I was reading on another site while doing research and they said it was alot better than corrosionx for waterproofing.
That was probably auto-translated by a program. Welcome to the 21st.

And Tong, if you ever return to read this: Yes, Liquid tape works. Just let it cure for a long time.
there are 2 things i use one is hot glue take the electronics out of the esc case and coat them slide them in and fill it then put the case together with enough that it squeezes out, the good thing is if u need it back off just take your heat gun warm it up and it will come off. the one i have used for a long time on everything including sealing my diffs so i can fill them is whats called bishops tape it is used my direc tv to seal the foot of the dish mount i think its also called pitch patch when it gets hot it turns to like a tar. but i never get it hot and tar it i just use it and it never looses it sticky. i stuff it in the hole in my rx box and around the lid and its sealed. pull out the esc fill the case with it and its sealed. the warmer it is the softer and more pliable it is.