The caps are sealed, no need to worry.8)What about power capacitors on tekin's crawler sec's. Do those need to be waterproofed or no?
This is all I have for now... I'll post back later when I have some corrosion X to apply to the windings/magnets/rotor. It'll likely be several months though. Please let me know if I am missing anything or you have any advice to keep me from cooking my motor.
I have a Axial Wraith with the stock AE-2 ESC, does anybody know a good way to waterproof this thing since I am relocating it ;-)
I have found this vid by squirrel and was wondering if it will work for this ESC ?
Waterproofing ESC and Motors -- Vid 9 2011 Toys For Tots Raffle Axial Wraith - YouTube
Thanks Scott
Sorry, but this statement is false. My experience has proven this and it has been verified to me by engineers at Castle. The plasti-dip actually TRAPS moisture inside the electronics case..and if you remove the case and plasti-dip the board, there is a chance of pulling components off the board, since plasti-dip shrinks as it cures...
The best method IMHO is to remove the case and dip the board in EPOXY. This is how I've waterproofed my MMP and I have run it completely submerged underwater many times with ZERO issues...
And use a potting epoxy if you want to be safe, it doesn't shrink like many off the shelf epoxies do. I've killed ESCs using regular epoxy before, it shrank enough to rip components off.
plastidip works well to keep water off, but you can't stop water from wicking down the wires towards the board. Wires actually allow a lot of water through. The only way we can really get totally waterproofed is to have copper standoffs for every wire that come out of the epoxy. But, a good potting epoxy does well enough to bond to the board so moisture doesn't move around once it gets in the wires.
i want to get some potting epoxy, but i cant seem to find any where that sells it, any help would be nice, i ve looked online, but every where seems to be in bulk, and id rather buy it in a store. thanks
i have a had great luck with corrosion x