I searched for "Fordyce" and found bumpy weiners...
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I searched for "Fordyce" and found bumpy weiners...
I searched for "Fordyce" and found bumpy weiners...
In all that's a lot for a word I only recently ever heard for the first time
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That's what I was talking about. I searched for "Fordyce" and found bumpy weiners...
Well that certainly took the thread in a different direction!! :lmao:
Great thread Twade...I've been enjoying following along.
[emoji38] of all things...That's what I was talking about. I searched for "Fordyce" and found bumpy weiners...
Hate to see the ol pro go, but u got a steal on that fordyce. Curious to see where that goes.
That alabama fellar is pretty stoked, or 'chuffed' as mat would say lol, to get the vrd chassis. Looks like ill be snaggin the vfd out of the purple cliffhanger n swap it with a twin from another rig for now. May even start a thread on that one, who knows
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RIP Pro.Sacrifices for bigger and better things are tough to swallow, but in the end all work out. I'm hoping I can keep my Pro in one piece.
A lot going on here. Nice to see progress coming and going. Looking forward to that Alabama buyers new build thread!;-)
I like your plan for the new Fordyce. Nice deal you got on that. Can't wait to see how it comes together.
You are likely smart to keep shuffling your rigs through while they are still sought after As the years go by they become dated and the value drops.
Look forward to what's coming next
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I think you're on to something with the portal gearing. That's what I was thinking to do to my VRD. I really don't need all that gearing that stock offers.
Nice find on the steering link. I never even thought about a high-clearance link being the right length for that. Good to know for future builds!
I also run 70wt in my S8E's and it does seem to be just right. I haven't tried them out in bone chilling weather, but then again my body doesn't leave the house if the temp is below 40 degrees.
I do recommend the longer links for the front axle. I like having the extended front axle on my latest build. And I think the looks alone is worth it. IMO the tire sits too close to the rear fender with the stock links.
Although now I think about it, maybe I should see what I have for leftover Amazon links and where those would put me.
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I am using the Amazon rear high-clearance links on both of my Phoenix builds and they have been working great. I left the straight links up front because the HC links expose to much and probably wouldn't matter anyways.