Oh boy..... what a week....
I just got home today after slowly following my broken down Suburban (fun times ahead!), got through a billion emails/PM's and finally getting back to the uncomfortable busy that I am used to.
I had an excellent time! Who needs drugs when you can get a natural high like this weekend gives me? I would like to thank each and every person that made it out to this comp. YOU all made this happen.
I have some special thanks that I would like to give. I was going to dish out a generic thanks since you cant miss anybody that way and you don’t look like a huge jackass but, I think too many people deserve a personalized thank you since they went so far out of their way.
BYBRCC, Chaotic, JJ, Stubs, SDS, Rcbros, Catfish
How could I come up with a crazy idea like 7 courses without having a serious bunch of bad asses to cover it? Seriously, these guys all did us a big favor. Its not easy standing around all day judging. HUGE thanks guys.
Chaotic Crawlers:
Seriously huge thanks to Boost and Mac10. I didn’t even have to say anything and these two were there to help me along the way. With their experience in holding big comps I could have not done it without them.
801- Tmoney:
Donating all the comp supplies and helping make sure they were in order and ready to go. I cant thank T$ enough for the grueling job of inputting the scores. A total of 730 scores had to be put in not to mention lots of detective work. You da man T$.
Lil Digger:
This guy needs to check in to his hotel at 6pm or risks not having a room. So what does he do? He stays, risking not having a room just so people can use his lantern to run! Not to mention he was begging to help in anyway and supplied boundaries. Thanks Digger!
Thanks so much for preserving our memories with the pictures and video. Always great conversations with you.
Taking the marshal job so serious and doing it so well… on his vacation.
Setting up a sick course and going completely out of his way to help clean up and just a general awesome guy.
Helping clean up, spending the whole day judging. Thanks for stepping up!
I have a renewed hope in humanity after seeing that our comp sites were left MUCH better than when we arrived. Everybody saw that there was a decent amount of garbage when we got there, it was looking pretty good when we left. This is AWESOME! Pretty sure it was JesseH that was picking up a HUGE garbage bag and filling it not only with our garbage but generally cleaning the area.
PNW crew for the jump start, setting up courses.
The Crawl space for not only providing great prizes but setting up a course.
Chris the battery man:
Not only for sponsoring the event but for giving free solder jobs. I know I appreciated mine!
Diddys, RedrockinXJ001, Tuner, Hardknocks:
Thanks for stepping up when not even asked to help. I appreciate having good people around.
And last but not least, thank you to the great sponsors for the support, free lunch and drinks on both days and the prizes:
RC Country
The Crawl Space
Cow RC
Team Debead
Krawler Konceptz
If I missed anybody, I greatly apologize. Thanks again to everybody for a really great time!