I wanna be Dave
Nice, interested to see how it turns out.
Very nice Josh! "thumbsup"
X2, been watching Josh and Matt's latest SBG build off too. "thumbsup"
I'm a little bias towards it :lmao:
Builder kits??????????????
Hang up and Drive
Sure looks that way!
Im #4 on the list but the date keeps changing!
Hang up and Drive
I been on Amains pre order list since May 20. Still no shipping date, nothing. Date keeps changing now they say they arent getting them until June 30th. And I am platinum member with Amain so I am supposed to get orders before other members.
Call them, They will give you what they have. Im #4 on the list as a Gold member.
Hang up and Drive
Yeah maybe I need to. When I email them very specific questions about where am I on the list and when are they going to ship this is the reply I get.
"Hi xxxxx xxxxxxx,
our system has a 30 day back order cap. all you have to do is log in toy our cart go tot op of page scroll mouse over my account and there will be a drop down menu that says back orders click on that and you will be asked if you want to continue to keep the back order item on back order or have it refunded."
So real. Too bad you don't like it. For sale already.