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Stoopid Me Can't Decide on a Radio System

Jun 4, 2020
How's everybody doing?

As the title states, I'm looking to get myself a new Tx/Rx system to replace the factory Turbo Racing stuff that came with my RTR. All I have is the mentioned Turbo Tx for my Hobby-Plus kit-bash 1:18 rig. I don't need a bunch of bells and whistles, or more than 3-4 channels (for now, but it doesn't hurt to future proof), as I won't be doing much besides trail stuph, and I don't run rear-wheel-steer (not a fan). Maybe a drift car later on.

I've decided to go with FlySky due to their cost/quality ratio, and the fact that their quality must be better than my current Tx. But am also open to other suggestions as well.

I am aware that there is better still equipment out there than FlySky, but I don't have Futaba money. Or even Spectrum money. Thusly my brand decision.

Where I'm undecided is which specific system to get. I know with all the FlySky discussions had before, I'm basically deading a beat horse, but I ask here in order to get current opinions on the landscape these days.

Should I get the 3-channel GT3C, with its LiPo compatibility and hackability/expandability? Should I look to the GT5 for its simplicity at its feature level? What about the newer G7P, which seems to be more like an up-to-date GT5? Again, I'm open to other suggestions besides FlySky.

I'm just looking to gauge some opinions, and to see how many people are going to tell me to search. And did I mention I'm open to other suggestions?
I'm going to come out of left field with the Radiolink RC6GS V3. 80ish bucks directly from Radiolink on Amazon.
I have the v2 and the GT5 and other that overall feel of holding the radio, the Radiolink RC6GS is a better usable radio imo.
It's a bit of a bulky radio but not uncomfortable.
But as far as features and ease of use, I think its much better than the Flysky.
The v3 is 7 channels full mixing, a variable knob (rear steer) 2 3 way toggles) plus other 2 say or programmable buttons which can all be mixed or used independently.
Extra Rxs are between 15 and 24ish doll hairs.
The only Other thing is you'll need a paddle type thumb wheel to one hand drive unless you got LONG Thumbs. lol

The flysky feels better in my hand and its not had any issues, I just find the Radiolink better for overall ability.
I'll second the RadioLink systems. I have a few Flysky GT5's and they have been great, but last year I bought my first RadioLink RC4GS and now it is my goto. I currently own 3 and love them. They cost aroung $60 bucks and the R6FG receivers are around $17 I believe.

I have not yet tried the RC6GS as @Timmahh suggested, but I have heard they are great radios too.
I'm on the Radiolink band. I'm a few years into the hobby and my first was the RC6GS so I never got to experience the other radios mentioned. Although bulky like Tim said, I didn't mind the retro vibes and I liked the toggle switches it has for 3 position things. I could also recommend this radio as I think it is pretty good value still today, or just Radiolink in general.

I would still be using that Tx today if I didn't exceed the 10 model memory it has (now using RC8X).
I like the gt3c though the wheel is a bit far away for single hand driving. I am curious on Radiolink t8s.
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The gtc3 is still a valid option even as outdated it is....I personally would go radiolink rc6gs as they are on offer right now and receivers are fairly cheap.
Radiolink rc6 and rc8. I have been very happy with both. I did slip and fall once with the rc6 and yes the 6 went flying. A year later I was in the same area and the wheel came off in my hand. No worries easy fix. rx's are $33 for a 2 pack on amazon. I get 2-4 packs usually when I order.
I don't know what I'd choose these days, but it would NOT be RadioLink. They are still using a fragile, external antenna. That's laughable and should not be something on a modern radio.

My current most used Radio is a FlySky GT5. It's not bad and receivers are cheap.
personally I like all the radios mentioned but I would say the gt5 is easyer to use and feels better in the hand the radio link rc4 seems crisper to the car if that makes sense but the feel of the actual radio feels odd mine had screen issues the inner and outer screens touch everyonce in a while and make funny spots on the screen not a big deal but annoying and all the badging and stickers warped and fell off
it really doesn't like the heat the gt3c and the gt5 were sitting next to it and had no issues
the radio link has the best range 1200ft if you use the double antenna receiver or 600ft with the stock reciver
if your really on a budget the dumborc is a cheaper version of the radio link running older radiolink software I did have a problem with 1 esc that didn't play nice for what ever reason but only 1 even others same model and brand name worked fine
How's everybody doing?

Should I get the 3-channel GT3C, with its LiPo compatibility and hackability/expandability? Should I look to the GT5 for its simplicity at its feature level? What about the newer G7P, which seems to be more like an up-to-date GT5? Again, I'm open to other suggestions besides FlySky.

I'm just looking to gauge some opinions, and to see how many people are going to tell me to search. And did I mention I'm open to other suggestions?

I have a G7P that I would sell if interested PM me.
I don't know what I'd choose these days, but it would NOT be RadioLink. They are still using a fragile, external antenna. That's laughable and should not be something on a modern radio.

My current most used Radio is a FlySky GT5. It's not bad and receivers are cheap.

I agree, the antenna is dumb. Hell for what I use the radio for it doesn’t even need to be there!

The GT5 receivers are cheap and do work great. I have no complaints about them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks everyone for all the useful suggestions. I hadn't considered Radiolink, and now they're on my radar too.

I came across this Dimension GT3X for $35 from Nitrorcx, which seems to be a rebranded GT3C. A quick google search brings up losikid's confirmation that it's still FlySky hardware inside. For that money, it can't be beat, can it? I've never ordered, or heard of, Nitrorcx.com before, are they legit? If they are, I might just go this way.

Gramps, I'm considering your offer as well.
Thanks everyone for all the useful suggestions. I hadn't considered Radiolink, and now they're on my radar too.

I came across this Dimension GT3X for $35 from Nitrorcx, which seems to be a rebranded GT3C. A quick google search brings up losikid's confirmation that it's still FlySky hardware inside. For that money, it can't be beat, can it? I've never ordered, or heard of, Nitrorcx.com before, are they legit? If they are, I might just go this way.

Gramps, I'm considering your offer as well.

NitroRCX is legit, but I would not recommend that radio. I hate the early FlySky radios. Others love them.
I have a couple hacked gt3c and they have worked great, i just recently got the flysky fs g7p and really like how much easier it is to navigate and understand this model.
I picked this 4 channel joystick radio up for $<20 to try. It's pretty cool, and single hand operated, period. Loads of cool features, just no screen.


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I splurged on a Futaba 10px for my drift cars to utilize Acuvance and sbus telemetry/remote tuning. I couldn't be happier with it.

That being said, watching Harley plug that radiomaster mt12 up to a computer to play games has me considering it due to the features it has. Quite the learning curve on it I understand though. Same with flysky
I have been a Futaba user since the 80s. I have tried Spektrum multiple times with the DX5C. After 2 weeks of trying to get it to work and no help from support I gave up and returned it. My primary radio is a Futaba 4PL from the mid 2000s and it is a great radio. I also have a new 3PV but while it is a good radio I really need 4 or 5 channels. I have a new 4PM which is also a great radio but much harder to program than my old 4PL.

I also took a chance and got a Flysky FS-G7P, works fine and is easy to setup. I added a Flysky Noble NB4, by far the easiest radio to program and use. I love the color touchscreen and wish Futaba would do the same.

If I was starting anew, I would probably go with Flysky and ultimately get the NB4 or NB4+
Just my experience and what I have seen around my area.
Radiolink RC8 does not have an external antenna. Great radio just to many features for me. (race)
RC6 does have an antenna but I keep it down all the time. (crawl/trail)
I'd pass on futuba. My bro absolutely cannot get anywhere near water with his or the rx is done.
Spectrum rx's have been hit and miss. Mostly miss for me. I've seen to many people with scrolly wheel issues.
For budget radios, I got a Flysky GT5 for my son and it works well enough. IIRC it was pretty easy to program. The people I have spoken to with the radiomaster say it is a pain in the butt to set up.

In the more expensive side, the Flysky NB4 is awesome. I did fall on mine pretty hard and one of the paddles randomly sticks now. Futabas are great...Durable and easy for me to set up, but receivers are expensive and so is the radio. After using a 4 PLS for a decade, I moved on. I'm mostly running a Spektrum DX6 Rugged now, but only because it has a momentary switch on the grip by my thumb and that is my preferred setup for winching. Other than that, I dont really like it. Its big, clunky, not intuitive, and way overpriced for how cheap it feels.