Oh I'm loving that tailgate
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I just had to make another tailgate. And the lights are 120 grit. :lmao:
I like the tailgate! Super simple and looks great! Nice idea!
Mr. Beef Tubes would love those taillights! Being that he is 80 grit and all!:ror:
Thanks. Almost finished, I kinda got a wiper outa wack. Wonder what I was smoking.
Whatever it is, pass it my way!:lmao:
Looking good. "thumbsup"
Looks great! Nice, clean look!
Whatever it is, pass it my way!:lmao:
Sharing is caring :ror:
Awesome rig!
I have finished my rig and test drove it. We have a problem Houston. The right side of the body lifts up when I go into reverse. At first I thought the body was rubbing on the tires but that is not the cause even though I have the shocks mounted with the low rod ends. I also noted that the G8 tires seem to grab the carpet a lot more than the predator tires on my portal even crinkling when in a tight turn. Then I started to think (not done often) about it and then it hit me, it must be the panhard link and possibly the drag link. I took a look at how they are and it does look like they could be extended, I believe I have them screwed almost tight like the portal. So if someone could confirm my assumption before I start working on it, it would be appreciated.
Are you only noticing this on a high traction surfaces like carpet? Also what o/d % is the trans in?
I’m wondering if it could be a normal characteristic based on o/d and high traction causing the front suspension to lift since the front tires are trying to move faster than the rear.
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Twade is correct due to torque twist in reverse, the right side will lift, in forward the driver side will lift. this is more predominate in straight axle versus portal due to the gear reduction in the portals
Thanks. First, I was wrong about the lower shock ends. I was going to use them but didn't and thought I did. I have it locked in low OD and it responds the same on linoleum too, to a lesser extent.
Thanks. I believe your both right, it's natural for this to happen. Now that I think about it I think my portal did this too but to a lesser amount. I was going to get my portal out today and see how much it lifted up. I had taken off both links and added two turns, to no avail. Before I did this the alignment was fine so I'll just put it back the way it was. One problem I discovered is whenever you start flipping your rig over to work on it the shocks start leaking. I'm going to have to find better shocks. Thanks again guys.
I’ve had several sets of s8e’s leak at the bleeder screw, the screws tend to strip the threads in the cap before tightening enough to seal anything. I’ve also had one whole cap come loose somehow.
If yours are leaking there also, you might try the machined aluminum caps VP sells for them
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I decided to use the same tag as my portal, so I had Ohio change the law since I'm a VIP and all. :lmao: