Alright the latest updates for my Enduro Trailwalker.
Club 5 Racing High Clearance Links for the Trailrunner (because it's rear links only for IFS setups) (eBay)
Associated #7430 Red Springs rated at 3.9 (eBay)
Here are the Club 5 High Clearance links for the Trailrunner
Here are the Associated Red Springs rated at 3.9
These red springs are what Aaron Lane from Element RC used to test his IFS design. They're softer than the springs that come with the IFS. You can also see that they're a little shorter as well, but that's ok, because you can just spin the spring retainer down so that they don't pop out.
New springs on the truck
So the Club 5 links come with Traxxas style rod-ends. Plastic is good and I will not have to worry about rod-ends pulling out anymore. They also come with metal pivot balls.
I had to remove my 3D printed chassis brace since it was designed with the stock links in mind. The high clearance links hit it on compression. I will try to design my own to clear the new links.
Upper links installed.
Lower links installed.
A look at the 2 new changes to the rig.
Compressing the rear suspension
Now, I've always seen confusion regarding how to mount the high clearance links made by Club 5. People seem to be confused about whether to mount the short side at the skid, or the long side at the skid.
Club 5 has them mounted short side at the skid on their website, and I think I know why.
You'll notice in the picture above, with the short side mounted at the skid, the links follow the line of the driveshaft. In a way it could protect the driveshaft a little bit.
Mounting it with the long side at the skid will expose the drive shaft more often to be scraped against.