JPH Racing
RCC Addict
Link to the Comp info in Manteca: Click here
That's right, power to the people! In fact, I just thought of another name, how about "Nerdzilla!" or "the Nerdzilla's!"Hey Crofts, you doing a double header for the December comp weekend?
Tim: You're right ... I say support the people, it's just a name .... But, who am I anyways? Dec. 14th, Manteca ... Are you guys in? Looks like a good 1.9 class is shaping up!
Well i am not much for contraverice but north bay crawler's or ass i say nothing but crawler's or nbc it all sounds the same . But who am i anyways.?
Hey Crofts, you doing a double header for the December comp weekend?
Tim: You're right ... I say support the people, it's just a name .... But, who am I anyways? Dec. 14th, Manteca ... Are you guys in? Looks like a good 1.9 class is shaping up!
erik you not going to nevada View attachment 83935
Hey Chris, I think the Manteca location is the same as the one in Jake's CVRC comp report:
I'm driving down in the 4Runner and leaveing Petaluma at 6:30 in the morning if you are interested.
Nice pics Chris!! I am going to have to check out some more spots next time I am down there!!
As for names...from another newbie.....
I was trying to think of a name or two to add to the here goes it.....
1. Nor Crawl R/C Crawlers <--- I know it is close to the Nor Cal R/C Rock Cralwers
2. Cali Crawl Club
Overalll, I am still a fan of anything North Bay (NBRCRC, NBC, NBRC, etc) but wanted to try to make some contribution!