You've been to Donnor right? Anywhere around here have rocks like that?? Were can we test?
i have been to Donner for 1:1 comps. not really sure where they are gonna run the RC comp at. do not really remember any area with small(er) rocks. i am thinking about entering the Axial comp. just trying to secure my buddies cabin in Tahoe before pulling the trigger on entry fees. so far the wife and daughter are going up with me.
you can always come and run the "Debris Pile" in my backyard. lotso' rock, wood etc. etc........... it is in kenwood. also, i spied a good area in Glen Ellen along the creek that looked promising.
BTW thanks for the help getting my Rooster Crawler and motor hooked up for me last week, i appreciated that.
MPI driveshafts for the scorpion in yet?
Nick: They say it's only 1/4 mile from the lodge, or from the parking lot? Never been there, so I'm not sure. I'm thinking about bringing my mountain bike! Or, at least a little red wagon to haul my stuff up the hill!
We're thinking about taking a run over to Folsom for some testing. I think the rocks there might be close, plus I need to tune for the vertical climbs and off cambers ... But, I'd like to stop bye and crawler your backyard test zone sometime in the future!
Are you all ready for the comp?? Did you do up some new panels??
Dean: Did you get signed up???
yeah, I remember seeing the cables in a mag write up .... Guess it's time to look at back issues and check out the courses!
This was the same event that you built your crawler while your wife drove you up there ... right?? :lol: