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Sonoma County Crawlers

no plans..
lance is working most of the weekend..

the "wall" was cool on friday
but LOTS of poison oak.. really not worth the chance of getting it..

so much time....
so little rocks.....
I'll try to sneak by and say hello ... I'm really trying to take it easy and shake this chest cold!

Directions: From the Sears Auto Center at the Downtown Mall. Head south towards the Santa Rosa Creek. Turn left and head west along the creek path. Go to the lower level, down by the Creek. Maybe 200ft you'll see the crawl spot.

It's a cool spot 8onik, and this group of crawler guys is awesome!
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Nathan and I stopped bye to watch some crawler action under the 101 this afternoon .... We saw Frank loose a screw which took out his link and drive line. We saw Brian bust a plastic C. We saw Erik pull out a drive line on his scaler and do something funky to his comp rig (trani?) and we watched Freddy wheel a truck all around and pack it up in one piece! A nice mellow day under the 101 ...
Somedays, throwing rocks and sticks in the creek, and crawling all over the rocks (without a radio in hand) with a 2.9 year old (turning 3 in June) is what it's all about. "thumbsup"

I'll let ya school me soon Brian!!! :shock:
arrgghh, sorry i missed it. next time......

i'll try and check out the area one of these mornings.
Somedays, throwing rocks and sticks in the creek, and crawling all over the rocks (without a radio in hand) with a 2.9 year old (turning 3 in June) is what it's all about. "thumbsup"

I'll let ya school me soon Brian!!! :shock:

is that a JR 2.9 or a DX 2.9????? (lol)
So, it's been a little quiet around here ..... What's everyone been up too?

Me? I've been trying to shake this dang chest cold ... I need to start my upgrades on my crawler, but first have to get caught up around the shop! I'm gonna install a VF dig, relocate some radio gear (maybe try a Tekin Esc?) and some aluminum rims .....

Around the shop there's a lot happening! 3 VF Slingshots are being built up. Brian, Freddy and Chris are all getting close to having them running. Lance has some runs on his new Copperhead and is still tweaking with the suspension. What's new with you??

We got in some new crawler parts from Venom, motor plates and drive shaft savers. The new tires from Panther are super soft and getting good reviews online.

June 14th is the day for the next Crawler Comp. I'll be posting the flyer on Monday. Spread the word and get your rig ready!
Man I have been too dang busy! This coming week I should get a chance to get out and crawl. I still need to get my steering finished up and then should be good to go.
I've been working on a top secret new project, however, as funds are low, progress is slow....anyone have ANY scale parts? (bodies, leafs, chassis, body parts accessories, so on) Let me know what you have that your cool with getting rid of. "thumbsup" Thanks, I can't wait for the comp, anything new planned for this one Jake?
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Working on/puttin' money into my JustEmptyEveryPocket. Got new tires/rims last week (rims:long story) Wednesday it gets some shop time. Wife just retired from teaching, last day was Friday...might be getting out a little more often "thumbsup"

Jake, do you know if will Traxxas offer a pro version of the e-revo....i know that its not a crawler question....:twisted:
Hey Jake...
When are you getting more R2D HD gear sets in stock? my gear's are shot and need to a set before your next comp..Thanks.Wes

Edit: i just bought a set from RC4WD..Thanks Jake..
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Rudy: I'm sure Traxxas will do some kind of special edition with the kit, but only after sales have slowed on the original offering. Grab the new kit when it comes out, drop a Novak HV system in it, a pair of 7 cells and you'll hit 45+ with it!

Wes: Have more faith in your local shop! LOL Get that rig ready for the14th, make sure Zac is ready too please!!
West Coast Champs sign-ups are live .... I saw Erik signed up, so I'm gonna give it a try too. Now all I have to do is break the news to my wife! Oh, and figure out how to get the time off work .... "thumbsup" Should be a fun weekend!

Hey BCrofts, can I ride along with you in the 1:1 comp??