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Sonoma County Crawlers

Justin: Not yet, if you have some scrap lexan from the body, you can make a couple to fix it ....

All: Looks like they've set the date for the next Nor-Cal crawlers comp, May 4th at Folsom. I can't go on the 4th, but you guys should think about heading over to check it out. Click here for more info.

Also, May 10th "should be" the date for our next JPH Comp. I'll know more this week, but pencil it in on your schedules!!!! Got some new things planned, should be even better than the first comp!
Fun crowd today at the SR Creek ... I'd say about 10 guys, plenty of crawling, joking, and having fun. Even set up to short courses and played comp time follow the leader.

Thanks guys!
Got Tamiya CR-01's in yesterday!

Put some pics on the site from Saturday's GTG at the creek (thanks for the pics Bruce!)

Seems like the thread is a little dead lately? What's everyone been up too??
working to much,but cant complain.i about to start building my flat bed and exo for my toyota and get ready for some summer(bashing)wheeling.fordyce and rubicon are calling my name.havent been there since last summer.
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working to much,but cant complain.i about to start building my flat bed and exo for my toyota and get ready for some summer(bashing)wheeling.fordyce and rubicon are calling my name.havent been there since last summer.

yeah, just waiting for the snow to melt...come on and melt!
Anyone interested in going to either Cow Mtn. or Knoxville/Middletown area for some RC crawling? And maybe a little off roading.
Anyone interested in going to either Cow Mtn. or Knoxville/Middletown area for some RC crawling? And maybe a little off roading.

I'm down for either. I've done some wheeling at Knoxville but never Cow Mountain. Last time I went there (Cow Mountain) I took the wife and she damn near had a heart attack on that narrow road up to the staging area (she doesn't do mountain roads well). It didn't help that a full size Ford was heading down the road and we met at a blind curve.

This thread has been a pretty quite lately. I know work has been keeping me busy lately. I've also been working on the AX-10 trying to get a little more out of it. Got the VF Dig installed and working, still have not had a chance to really test it on any rocks though. Need to figure out how to get a little more belly clearance so I stop belly bashing everything I come up to.
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Not much going on here, Putting new axles on my truck, I was hoping to get a new rig together by the next comp, but my lack of funds lately is making it a challenge. So I've gotta work with what I've got, which can be pretty interesting.
Like my new wheels, think they'll work?

Anyone interested in going to either Cow Mtn. or Knoxville/Middletown area for some RC crawling? And maybe a little off roading.

hey guys on the 10th there is going to be allot of 1:1's up at Cow Mtn. for a "get to gether" I plan on bringing the RC's to play with while I'm not running the 1:1. if you have 1:1 rigs would be a good time to come up and check things out....
hey guys on the 10th there is going to be allot of 1:1's up at Cow Mtn. for a "get to gether" I plan on bringing the RC's to play with while I'm not running the 1:1. if you have 1:1 rigs would be a good time to come up and check things out....

Damn...Thats my last day of community service..I might head up there that night to party and done some night wheeling..

I like the snow,keeps thing interesting and makes it more fun..
I'm down for either. I've done some wheeling at Knoxville but never Cow Mountain. Last time I went there (Cow Mountain) I took the wife and she damn near had a heart attack on that narrow road up to the staging area (she doesn't do mountain roads well). It didn't help that a full size Ford was heading down the road and we met at a blind curve.
I've never really been to Cow mountain, Do you really need a hardcore rig to get up there? Or can my regular civilian Toyota head up there?
Keep in mind, the next JPH Comp is on the 10th of May!

I think you hardcore guys could do both .... Comp in the morning, 1:1 in the afternoon!