killer bull
I joined the Band!
Ill be there early then i will come back later cant get enough"thumbsup"
Ill be there early then i will come back later cant get enough"thumbsup"
working to much,but cant complain.i about to start building my flat bed and exo for my toyota and get ready for some summer(bashing)wheeling.fordyce and rubicon are calling my name.havent been there since last summer.
Anyone interested in going to either Cow Mtn. or Knoxville/Middletown area for some RC crawling? And maybe a little off roading.
Anyone interested in going to either Cow Mtn. or Knoxville/Middletown area for some RC crawling? And maybe a little off roading.
hey guys on the 10th there is going to be allot of 1:1's up at Cow Mtn. for a "get to gether" I plan on bringing the RC's to play with while I'm not running the 1:1. if you have 1:1 rigs would be a good time to come up and check things out....
Yes I expect to see that thing taking first place at the next comp
I've never really been to Cow mountain, Do you really need a hardcore rig to get up there? Or can my regular civilian Toyota head up there?I'm down for either. I've done some wheeling at Knoxville but never Cow Mountain. Last time I went there (Cow Mountain) I took the wife and she damn near had a heart attack on that narrow road up to the staging area (she doesn't do mountain roads well). It didn't help that a full size Ford was heading down the road and we met at a blind curve.