Got the front 1/5th scale servo brace completed. Not pretty, but functional and effective; used scrap from building the chassis extension and shock tower and flatbed mounts.
Heck in a hand bag working in such a tiny space and trying to take as little apart as possible.
Also go the motor issued worked out, sort of. Not sure what exactly is going on some strange feedback is happening, a short perhaps, i dont know exactly and am tired of chasing it.
So far, alot of laptop tuning seems to have sorted down the jerky and strange behaving rear end motor -- BUT i had to exit SINE MODE usage. Every since i stepped up from 10t pinion to 16t pinion SINE mode seems really mad at the rear end. When i turn it off, the rear end behaves mostly fine; also had to reduce startup power (its still absurd though even on low settings it won't stall out easily at all).
Now down to a weird feedbcak into the rear motor when i jerk the front steering servo back/forth quickly. If i control it normally like steering in real life, no issues to the rear end or odd behavior at all.
W/out SINE Mode, it still goes nicely slow and crawls just fine, don't forget we're on 350kv motors here so they are close enough to their own effective SINE mode they are so slow yet torque-a-liscious with 14 pole thats alot of magnets to pass the torch around the fire w/out fail.
I got tired and will fix up the rear end tomrrow - new 1/5th servo plate mount and new brace system to hold it all tight and still under mad load.
My 170kg 1/5th scale servo showed up today (10-12.6v power - 3s baby!). Except not.
Went to all the trouble of wiring it up and NOPE... Either DOA or its not getting the right pulse range somehows. My other 60kg same brand 1/5th scale servo works just fine --- very odd. I wired up a 3s lipo, soldered signal wire to Rx that was signaling the other 1/5th scale servo and NOPE... notta nothing. really bummed.... maybe its a little message and would have been too much and busted other crap.... idk. over with now and 60kg 8.4v bad boy is back in ready to go.
SCX6 shocks on order should get in a week so no need to add stiffer springs to existing setup -- its maxxed out with all that lipo weight up front.... basically rides full droop at mid-spring setting (not a bad thing at all really for crawling thats best - 24.5inch wheelbase when its drooped).
Honcho fenders on order -- no need to reinvent this wheel -- thx ferp good idea!
What else, ripped off half my pinky finger nail simply screwing thorch nozzly on a mapp gas bottle.... no clue even. F'ing ouch.
I love R/C :lmao: Actually very pleased to get servo braced - even 4 wheel steer still worked pretty decent with all that wobble mixed in --- now that it will be gone, steering should really come alive and with a 1/5th scale servo in the rear -- it should do better at holding straight when running in front wheel steer mode.
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