it says a complete frame , not a one piece frame
so it can build as a main frame (chassis) + top frame (roll cage)
or so ?
the best argument is that the 1" is for roof frame, but unfortunatly, it says
frame "sides" and in the same rule, referes to sides, and roof seperatly.
There is no clear wording in that rule, that says the raised portion of the roof, must be made of a frame. and even so, there is no mention as to what is clasified as a frame ( look at john holmes post on the motox frame )
rule # Hood, roof and side panels
must be separate pieces of solid material
installed onto the bodiless vehicle
so let me ask again

is his cap a frame ?
His roof "cab" is one piece, with "seperate" hood, roof and side panels attached.
his roof panel is not the cab, his hood is not the cab......his lexan cab iis his cab..
The rule lleaves it open for many things to be used to get your overall deminsion......notice the ONLY things that can not be "exagerated" to meet your deminsions are your hood, roof, and side panels.
The cabs are "always" raised enough to meet hight requirments, as does his cab.
and as stated earlier, by john, there is no "wording" in the rules, no matter how bad some may wish there to be.....anythin to prevent this cab from being legal.
i know it Jeremy
but is BC´s cap , where all his panels are mounted , a frame ?
It doesnt have to be a frame, the raised roof is alloowed to seperat from main chassis ( frame )
I want to add to this.....or clarify
the cockpit is described ar seperate from frame in the rule....I keep using the "word" cab, but its actually a cockpit
rule #2.1.5
( the cockpit and frame sides are to be measured vertically from where the hood intersects the cab )
we already know the roof must be raised from main chassis to reseble a cockpit.
The main chassis is the only thing that must be a frame, nothing say sthe cockpit or cab must be a part of the main chassis, as it is to be raised from the "main chassis" and the only thing that must be frammed, is the main chassis.
now the rule you bring up does clearly state that the hood, roof and side "panels" must be mounted to the bodiless frame.
and one could argue that is a clarafication of the rules prior, that the cockpit must be framed.
1.I can argue against, saying your rule is refering to "panels" and how they mount only......
and then the lexan cab is legit, so long as the hood, roof, and side panels are stll attched to teh fram, and not the cab,
2. you could say the same thing holmes did about what can be used as a frame, and call the lexan cab/cockpiit a part of teh fram.
the reason you can do this is simple....the rule you use does NOT say frame "railes" just frame...anything that bolts together can be a frame.
it seems alot of people think a bodiless must be made with frame rails,,,,rails,,,,rails,,,rails..
rails are not mentioned except in rule, and that is to determin what sallowed to be used in measurments.
No where does it say the chassis MUST have frame rails
You could take a unibody, cut into 2 pieces, bolt back together ( would be easier to work on IMI ) and walla...yo have a bodiless, just bolt on some panels and your good to go......and no rails..
you could make your unibody out of lexan before you cut in into 2 pieces and have a full llexan bodiless.
You could use a piece of 1"x1"x1" square tubing ( sides must be 1" ) and let that be your "mian chassis"
and let bumbers, siide rails and cockpit get you to your min deminsions...... and moroe importantly, you can use whatever material you want to, so long as its rigid.........
the sss and then the links are a part of teh chassis and you dont have to worry about length....or maybe hight even..... cuz the lower links are a part of teh main chassis they would be used as measurments....
and actually, it says in the rules that nut, bolts cant be used, but no mention of links ( this is something our common sense made us assume ) maybe cuz its "bolten" onto the main chassis......but the sss thats not the case.
see, there is ALOT of things the rules DONT forbid.....IMO this is to allow at lease SOME imagination and creativity...
then when someone does it, so many are prones to pounce and call it illegal...
maybe cuz its someting they have never seem before...
maybe cuz they dont like where they feel it will take the sport...
maybe cuz the rules dont say what they thought they did.
but just the same, creativity is allowed, we just lose some sight of our creativity and what the rules allow, cuz long has it been since most of us have actually created anything,,,,,we just buy bolt ons....
My 1st chassis was in 08, 2nd in 2010.....both sucked

but in my 2nd chassis I was looking very much outside the "percieved" box
and fish, ome thing that has always sucked about the rules..........I cant ever seem to copy and past from that doc.....