RCC Addict
thats for the info rmdw
No Problem,,,Siping just makes Rovers better than they are stock...I use flush cut pliers to sipe mine,,dremel is way too messy.
Tip 2,,,,You DO NOT need to post a NEW thread for every problem you have. Post a thread about your crawler and then stick with that thread. Post your problems in Your thread. We all will read them and do whatever we can to help you. If you have a question about something you want to do or a tech problem you are having then we will be able to find all your issues in one location. Here's the other side to this idea,,,if people would stop posting a thread for every single problem they have then maybe we can clean up the VENOM forum so that maybe people WILL READ THE THREADS.
Hey guys,,I know Ill probably catch some "What do you care?" replies over this but....just as a reminder as Ive seen an influx of multi-post lately, for those who havent seen this....we were doin really well there for a while.
hey RMDW, i run a full droop setup on my creeper...would your rear axle link plate benefit my setup? since i have a full droop i dont suffer from TT.Price list is updated and current.
in most cases yes (i run 8oz. on each front wheel and i do have my rear upper links separated but not raised)...would your rear link plate eliminate this?If your suspension is extended and you apply torque Id bet the right front tire lifts...yes? no? Like if the right front tire is hung over a rock or down into a hole....
hey RMDW, i run a full droop setup on my creeper...would your rear axle link plate benefit my setup? since i have a full droop i dont suffer from TT.
thats great to hear...thanks for the info lazy, looks like this is gonna be my next mod.from some one who runs droop with this mod. i have to say that it does help.
sorry for the hijack rmdw
in most cases yes (i run 8oz. on each front wheel and i do have my rear upper links separated but not raised)...would your rear link plate eliminate this?
from some one who runs droop with this mod. i have to say that it does help.
sorry for the hijack rmdw
thanks for the all the info RMDW...i will definately be contacting you about the rear link plate soon.If your tire lifts when you apply torque then you have torque dont experience it with droop normally cuz the left rear shock is already bottomed do still have it without the right link just happens at different times than for a sprung rig.
No Problem Lazy...any direct info is welcome.
Let the Crayons roll....stand by for much more
TECH TIP 4 & 5
Pics of how my VC is set up to help with Torque Twist. Specifically look at the rear axle and the rear upper link geometry.
Howdy, after a couple of years in racing offroad/onroad RC you guys have convinced me to try crawling. The Venom Creeper seems to be the best bang for the buck and a great platform to upgrade. I have a red one on the way to my LHS.
RM, not sure if anyone has asked this but would you be willing to share your template for the battery/servo plate and the rear link plate? I have an unusable cf touring car chassis that I want to try to make these two plates out of. That would be awesome if you would. Let me know.
Mr. rmdesignworks,
I am sure you expect little, to no, back patting or apple polishing for posting this thread, but I feel compelled, none the less, to offer my sincere thanks. I am new to this forum, but not at all new to RC forums in general. I understand the frustrations, and realize the shear amount of time and personal effort that went into, not only the research and development of all these tips, but into the careful wording and explanation of each point you made.
I feel that sometimes, most of us, just don't really want to take the time involved into writing a post like this, and consider, as you did, the best way to convey a point without offending people unnecessarily, or by being too nice and not effectively conveying the real point.
You have done a superlative job with this posting, and I personally learned a great deal about the creeper from reading this post alone!
Again, I just want to thank you, and congratulate you on a thankless job that far too many people will overlook and never consider all it takes to compile a posting this complete.
Mr. rmdesignworks,
I am sure you expect little, to no, back patting or apple polishing for posting this thread, but I feel compelled, none the less, to offer my sincere thanks. I am new to this forum, but not at all new to RC forums in general. I understand the frustrations, and realize the shear amount of time and personal effort that went into, not only the research and development of all these tips, but into the careful wording and explanation of each point you made.
I feel that sometimes, most of us, just don't really want to take the time involved into writing a post like this, and consider, as you did, the best way to convey a point without offending people unnecessarily, or by being too nice and not effectively conveying the real point.
You have done a superlative job with this posting, and I personally learned a great deal about the creeper from reading this post alone!
Again, I just want to thank you, and congratulate you on a thankless job that far too many people will overlook and never consider all it takes to compile a posting this complete.