Michael Moore is a moron, communist. If it was up to people like him we would probably all be wearing turbans, praying three times a day, beating our wives and blowing up innocent people all in the name of religion.
Nothing is hidden, you just have to go and look for the information. Sadly government schools err... public schools, only produce government fools and most people have American Idol on too much to notice what is going on.![]()
UTFlyfisher,I thought i was taught in school that church and state must be seperate?This has alway's seemed like a hypicritical statement to me.I truely beleive that religion is the root of evil.It need's to be in your home,church not in any goverment because it is based all on a belief and not proven fact.It is no different than the first lie we are taught to tell our children you know who i'm talking about santa clause.Religion is the key ingredient for brainwashing.Mabey when we all get old and on that day we die we will find out about the big lie like our children did.One more thing the good ole U.S.A. is a capitalist society we capitalize on what ever we can to make money kinda like the monopoly game and we all know how that ends. The poor get more poor (even if they get ahead)and the rich get more rich and there is only one winner.Why do you think cigerette's are legal?population control that's why, you have a gaurenteed number of people to die every year.This is just my opinion's of what i see.I;m not a hater and i think america is the best land in the world.
The kids 14yrs... He read this somewhere and pasted it here. He doesn't think or know anything about Real Life. Or knows how other countries work. He is a Follower. To young to know how the world really works.
I agree.
Novas Ark, ( awesome name by the way) Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? I think you would like it, its meant to be a comedy, but I see so much of current America in it I would call it a horror suspense flick.
UTFlyfisher,I thought i was taught in school that church and state must be seperate?This has alway's seemed like a hypicritical statement to me.I truely beleive that religion is the root of evil.It need's to be in your home,church not in any goverment because it is based all on a belief and not proven fact.It is no different than the first lie we are taught to tell our children you know who i'm talking about santa clause.Religion is the key ingredient for brainwashing.Mabey when we all get old and on that day we die we will find out about the big lie like our children did.One more thing the good ole U.S.A. is a capitalist society we capitalize on what ever we can to make money kinda like the monopoly game and we all know how that ends. The poor get more poor (even if they get ahead)and the rich get more rich and there is only one winner.Why do you think cigerette's are legal?population control that's why, you have a gaurenteed number of people to die every year.This is just my opinion's of what i see.I;m not a hater and i think america is the best land in the world.