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Read this! Sorry for all the posts


Pebble Pounder
Apr 15, 2006
watching jasoninaugusta's avatar
Sorry for all the posts. but I think his is a really true and deep statement. Its what i feel about our GOVT. From a great blog. www.chrisdiclerico.com

Warning: Very long post with lots of cursing.
I just spent the last two hours sobbing like a little girl while I watched a leaked BitTorrent copy of Michael Moore’s Sicko. I am a changed person, and there isn’t the least bit of humor in that statement for a change.
I am appalled, angry, sad, and sick to my stomach over the US system(s) of everything. Politics, healthcare, education, it’s all completely screwed up. Normally I am embarrassed over how the world feels about us, about our war on terror, about our bumbling president, about our 15% passport penetration, and our waterboarding technique (not really torture). But tonight, I am embarrassed at myself. We should look around and be saddened by the brainwashed ***-****ing we’ve been taking for so long. It is all so stunningly like religion that I don’t know what to hate more.
We are great, generous, loving, caring, beautiful people, who live in a ****ed up country, with ****ed up values, and ****ed up laws, and most of us don’t even know. We are led by corrupt men bought and paid for with nobody’s best interest in mind except their own. This is not a Republican or Democrat thing at all. They are all in it for the same reasons. Get the money to stay in power to get the money to stay in power. While we sit and argue about who is right and who is wrong and who is the bad guy and who is the good guy and what team you play for, they sit and laugh their way to the bank. It’s a ****ing scam and it is time to really wake the **** up.
It is time for a massive change. The change we need is so big it seems impossible, and that’s how they like it. The powerless and the demoralized do nothing. We are afraid of everything, from terrorism to unemployment, from an emergency room visit to college tuition. And that’s how they like it. Poor, afraid, in debt, unhealthy, and too tired to do anything about anything. We beat the “best country in the world” status into the hearts and minds of our kids from birth, but it doesn’t feel like we’re living up to that monicer. It feels like we are just following another religion based on fiction and fear.
But I’m not one to complain without a solution. I’ve been thinking about this all for too long, and have said little because the problems seem so overwhelming. Unfortunately there are many problems to solve before we can sleep. They are big too, but they must be done. Call me a socialist, a communist, a liberal or an asshole, but here they are.
10 of DiClerico’s Completely Serious Solutions (10DCSS):
1. Universal Healthcare: I don’t know or care what it cost. I don’t care if taxes go up to 50%. None of it matters. Free, quality, universal healthcare access for every American, now. Incentivise doctors, just like in England, to increase the health of their patients to increase their salaries. Doctors with patients with the lowest smoking rates, lowest blood pressure, lowest cholesterol, least heart attacks, healthiest weights, etc, get lots more money. It’s a simple solution. It works. In fact it works all over the Western world. Everyone but here. Oh yeah, drugs free too. Or at most, VERY inexpensive. (Watch the lady in Cuba buy her $120 inhaler for 0.05 cents and tell me it’s not the right thing to do.) **** rich doctors, **** the drug companies, and **** the HMO’s. Kaiser Permanente, Signa, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, kiss my ****ing ***.
2. No more campaign contributions: That’s right, none. It should be illegal for any politician to take money of any kind from anybody. Simple fix to a complex problem. All campaign finance will come from public money. Tax money. We’ll create a system based on voting and petition where different numeric milestones are met to earn the candidate more public money. e.g. 100,000 signatures gets you $100,000. Something like that. Instantly there is no lobby, no special interest groups, no more corruption, at least at that level. Right now every politician wins an election with advertising money, plain and simple. They take millions from private companies who want favors in return, and they spend it on TV ads that influence the sheep into voting for them. Then they win and they make good on their promises to the big companies, and make nothing of the promises they made to me and you. It is completely broken, ****ed up system, and it can only be dealt with wholly. There is no partial fix for this one.
3. No more 2 party politics: This is more of the same broken system. Religious. Red and blue in a dark gray world. I will not choose teams. I will not swing the balance. You don’t vote for a man, you vote for a party. Stop now. The only thing that matters in the man is charisma. Once elected, it is over - he votes on the party line. He supports his team. he keeps his power. It is broken. You are powerless this way. Wake up, stop following the crowd. Stop calling Democrats liberals, and republicans conservative. Stop calling names and making judgments about “the other side.” You are contributing to problem. Break the system.
4. Separate church from state: If you want to be semi-retarded and worship Batman, go right ahead. But you cannot use my money to do it. You can’t trust god on my money, and you can’t have commandments in my court rooms, you cannot swear on a bible, and you will not have a tax shelter in your homeless shelter. Nothing. No religion in my public schools. No prayer time. Liquor WILL be sold on Sundays. If a president mentions praying as part of his contemplation to make a decision he should be impeached. Science and public opinion must rule, not superstition and fiction. God did not create the heaven’s and earth in 6 days, and my kids will not learn that he guided evolution along. There is no soul in a zygote. Stem cells should be researched and babies should be aborted. (kidding about that babies part, but it IS the woman’s right to choose…)
5. Free public universities: Our state and city schools are a joke. They aren’t free, and mostly they suck. It is time to subsidize the whole thing. Take it out of tax money. Give it a value, and then give that money to kids if they choose to go somewhere else. Same goes for high schools. Public schools are free, and worth thousands. If I go private, you don’t have to pay for me in public, so I should get the money to contribute towards my private school. Give it a value and give it away. Watch how fast dwindling public school attendance will cause massive changes in the system. Then lose the standardized tests - leave every child behind. I don’t give a ****. Get an education. Have a real curriculum with math, science, and history that are taught right. Let’s start with English, Math, and Science for little kids. Let’s not bother with history until a bit later, until you know, they UNDERSTAND english. Then teach all the history, not just the US version of it. Teach evolution the right way, and computer science from an early age. I could go on for days about this, but it’s yet another completely broken system. Oh yeah, one last thing, HIT THE KIDS, they’ll be fine in the end. Just keep your genitals away from them.
6. It ain’t easy being green: Yeah, I know I sound like Al Gore, but it is time for a change here. It is time for some really strict standards and some viable technology options. Mandated MPG for car manufacturers, solar energy that can get sold back into the grid, investments in high tech wind and water based power, and massive nuclear plants. I LOVE nuclear energy. I particularly love the waste products. What the **** can you do with the waste? I don’t know, but firing it off into space seems like an awesome idea but I guess I don’t really know the logistics. Bottom line is that this country needs to be leading the way for every possible reason, from foreign energy independence to simple morality. And I don’t care who goes broke along the way. Find a new job.
7. Flat tax: I don’t care how much it is. Lose the laws. Lose ‘em all. Do you have any idea what we would save if we just flat taxed the whole ****ing thing? 40%, done. No paperwork, nothing. There is absolutely no reason for the massive complicated system we have now, except to help rich people find loopholes so the middle people can do all the heavy lifting, as usual. 40% of your money goes away, but you get healthcare, dental care, high school, college, retirement compensation, and peace of mind. That’s worth 40%. Oh yeah, then lose all sales tax completely. Doesn’t seem fare that I pay tax on my earnings, then tax to shop owner, and then he pays tax on that and all his employees pay tax on that, and so on. Tax comes from income alone. After that Uncle Sam is on his own. And maybe the H&R Block folks can go work in the solar power station.
8. Broadband internet, free, everywhere: It’s time to make this investment before Google does. Suck it up and pay for it. Make information universal. Everyone gets super-fast internet access for free, unfiltered, unedited, untapped, everywhere. That’s how you change the world. Communication, information, education, and entertainment - everywhere, for everyone, at any time. Internet access will change the world, I promise.
9. Public, transparent, secure, online voting. No more booths, lines, polls, or TV coverage. Nothing impacts the vote. You get an email on your free internet access, with a link to a site, and a clear, easy to use, in-every-language, website where you click on who you want to represent you in the government. There are no parties, but there are websites with information on each candidate, and you can take your time, reading, researching, pondering, choosing. Take all the time you need because the polls are open for a month. Nobody knows anything about anything until it’s over. Then instantly you have a winner. He takes office within the next month.
10. Complete overhaul of the US patent and IP system: We are killing ourselves and our ability to compete by assigning intellectual property to the obvious. We are wasting our money battling in court where we should be competing in the marketplace. Sure, I want intellectual property holders and innovators to be able to benefit from their inventions, but not at the expense of a free market. Our system now is outdated, slow, and based on an industrial factory economy from 100 years ago. 100 year old laws should no be governing digital rights to innovations in software, and IP laws based on a phonograph should be mandated where I can listen to my music. This system needs a complete overhaul so we can catch up to our technology.
Well, that’s it for now. That’s what happens when I get pissed off. You can thank Michael Moore by going to see his movie instead of stealing it off the internet (search for “sicko”). He won’t mind.
Would you rather pay for crappy healthcare for everyone, or pay for good healthcare for yourself?

Universal healthcare does not and will never work. Head on up to Canada and ask the folks how they like driving 500 miles to receive their treatment for cancer. Hell, Castro even outsourced his recent medical care...

MM is a narrow minded idiot who is about to get in big trouble for violating travel laws to Cuba.
michael moore has made a lot of money from other people's problems. remember, there are two sides to every story, and michael is really good at showing the side he wants you to see.
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michael moore has made a lot of money from other people's problems. remember, there are two sides to every story, and michael is really good at shwoing the side he wants you to see.

I hope this thread gets locked.
Politics and crawling forums don't mix well.
In other words, you don't want me to get started on what I think of Mental Moore :evil:
Michael Moore is a dip**** that doesn't know his *** from his elbow.

Everything in life is starting to turn into a conservitive(spelling) vs. liberal debate. Who really cares what someone else thinks. Think for your own damn self, and keep it to your own damn self.

Also would like to point out the fact that you are 14, and probably don't have any idea what Michael Moore is even talking about, you just agree to agree.
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chrisdickhead said:
I just spent the last two hours sobbing like a little girl while I watched a leaked BitTorrent copy of Michael Moore’s Sicko. I am a changed person, and there isn’t the least bit of humor in that statement for a change.
Watching a MM movie is like watching an Oliver Stone movie, you watch it as entertainment, a movie................not a documentary!! Many avoid both movie maker's movies like the plague, but I watch them, and I watch them for what they are, movies, and nothing that is trying to teach me anything.

Anyone that would watch a MM movie and cry "like a little girl" needs to be knifed in the spleen. And anyone who became a "changed person" from such a movie needs to be shot.:x

"I don’t care if taxes go up to 50%. None of it matters. Free, quality, universal healthcare access for every American, now."
How the fawk is anything "free" if taxes are paying for it??????????? Does this dip**** not understand what taxes are??? I guess being a little kid living with mom and dad, he probably has never paid more than a sales tax in his life, so I guess he wouldn't. Does he know that many pay 50% in tax already????? He wants a flat tax also, so EVERYONE will pay 50% to pay for "free" healthcare ...................yea, this is a beautiful idea!!!!!
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Mmmmm popcorn!
We all know he is a chode, he just enjoys starting a huge war between groups of people. Maybe one day a third group of people will stone him in town square and get a "documentary" of that.
It is that kind of thought that scares the living daylights out of me. Stop and think about what this person just asked for, the government to run his life. Have you no ambition, dreams, or even the ability to think for yourself? I do not care what party you typically side with this kind of thinking kills the individual. :shock:
It is that kind of thought that scares the living daylights out of me. Stop and think about what this person just asked for, the government to run his life. Have you no ambition, dreams, or even the ability to think for yourself? I do not care what party you typically side with this kind of thinking kills the individual. :shock:
Bingo, you put into words what I was thinking.
Michael Moore is no better than the politicians , his intentions seem to be to slighted toward communism . The little people should work hard ,give all proceedings to the government , and be happy with your one square of tp ,slice of bread , much needed surgery in three years for free , and all of the education you need about how evil this country is .
I'm not buying it. I agree that there should be a tax break for education if I ,or my children go to private school , free market competition is what drives quality . Not government control . When people wake-up and demand better care , they'll get it ! Turn off TV , do some research , then you'll know how far they've buried it up your yallzoo .
2/3 of our country doesn't bother to vote , if you don't use it ,you loose it ! ,AND you have . It's not too late ,just WAKE -UP and look around and try to make things better .
Politics should not be a career , but a service , in which you are reimburse for your time doing what is best for your community .
Separation of church and state is correct . The church should never run the country ! But our country was founded on the principals of christianity .This means the 10 commandments ! Good rules to live by ! Remembering this is not combining church and state . The very things that made our country great , are being torn from our buildings and our hearts and our minds !!!!
If the flat tax sounds good , the transaction tax sounds better !
Income tax is unconstitutional !
Nuke power is ok , but firing waste in to space is scary , read-up on atomic powered rockets .
And I'm sorry , But the debate still rages on global warming . The sun is in a warm cycle , or are we so good at this that we made Mars hotter also ?
And ethanol burns my a** , but crude dose it better . WE are burning our food as fuel , and importing food to eat . Did we not learn anything from fluffy this year ?
I'm sorry to go on like this , but free speech , individual liberties , capitalism , lower taxes , and our republic , should not be given over to big government !