i honestly dont think people should be rewarded just because they live were it doesnt rain. .[/QUOTE] You live in the same area as Rockrawler. :|
Thank you"thumbsup" That works! That is fair for all involved"thumbsup"ok then instead of having a second annual one in the summer. how about we just move the deadline until the summer?
that way we dont get any "i just found out about this last week"
also elimates any weather "excuses"
and also give plenty of time to everyone find/borrow/mount a GPS etc.
seems like it makes it fair for everyone.
i dont think this is anyones fault. just an acumulation of things, that it just didnt go off as hitched. so instead of just shuting it down. lets keep it open and going, this way no one is unjustly rewarded or denied anything do to any circumstances. keep the oportunitys a level playing feild for all.
let the games begin! (*ahem*... continue!)
new extended summertime deadline to be announced!!!
<---not trembling in his boots.
heart rate didnt even increase .0001%
all i hear is TALK :lmao:
Well if smack it is then with the deadline extended to the summer that gives me time to make my rig "FLY" and the rest dive :twisted:I figured someone needed to start the smack talk to make this more interesting.:twisted:
You live in the same area as Rockrawler. :|
Foams will do that! I tried even knowing it wouldn't work. Complete 180 if given 1/30 throttle! And that was on semi wet pavement! And trying to control a RC that's 50MPH+ on the slighest wet road is going to end badly! I'll wait for dry pavement, I unlike other don't want the carnage award!that i do, however were his can get moving in the rain having a speed controller and some rubber tires with some tread, i have a car with microswitches and foam tires. i tried to get some runs in saturday when the rain stopped breifly, touch the throttle and the car swaps ends. even tried push starting it, as soon as i hit the throttle around it goes. partly my fault because of the way its built, but 95% of rc cars were never designed to run in the rain anyways.
however, putting all that aside, thanx for continuing the contest, im excited again for this. the car might just get a few more mods after christmas to make it a little more drivable, as long as there is some money left my new 1/5 scale doesnt eat.
Good luck with that!need to go faster then kenny:twisted:
my little modded nitro motor pushed a 6 pound on road car to 89mph in 300 ft on foams. now it's in my 40 oz drag car, i guess i'll run it out to 300 ft after the chain drives complete . and show you boy's how it's done on foam."thumbsup"
ahh first i'll show you with nitro....."thumbsup" then an electric car that makes about 5 hp. even easier.all it takes i the right weight. it's easyier to go fast, heavy than light.and the right traction compound helps out a lot.also amazing what cheap grape soda sprayed on the ground when sunny,does for traction ,on foams, some crc belt dressing sprayed on the foams.[let tack up] couple rows of medium kofords around tires . an BAM !. like i said before check out the rc drag sites. your doing the same thing we are .a drag car is the world record holder for speed runs. over a 1000 feet ,on foam, dust storm. hmmmmmIt would be even better if you could show us how its done via electricity, like is stated in the rules. "thumbsup"