However I am a redpill guy and to me the concept of not asking a women her age just because its going to trigger her insecurities or make her feel uncomfortable is totally unacceptable.
I think you are in a slight misunderstanding. If a dude is talking to, in progress of, or currently "dating" a lady/girl/woman/chick etc, then said dude is in the OK asking her age.
The consensus here is you dont go around asking how old a woman is in casual conversation...or randomly in passing.
The gotcha is...Im sure im younger than most of the traditional guys on this forum...but most ladies dont mind being asked their age if it is in good taste. IE good conversation is going and the question is asked in a proper manner. The kicker is knowing when and how to ask. But still younger ladies wont flip out over it.
News station should be talking to the sales manager tomorrow. It should be interesting...
That sucks man. Been there before. Explicitly showed a buyer the issues with something I was selling. They were cool with it. Couple hours later flipping out over what we established being broken. It was a huge issue. Apparently their Mother/Wife/Girlfriend whoever was not happy about the purchase and wanted to get money back AND keep the stuff I was selling...hmmm. Something seems a bit off here.