Quarry Creeper

it used to be an awesome rig!"thumbsup""thumbsup"
That clod body is sweet Wendall. Any updates?"thumbsup"
Alright. Don't laugh too hard. Turned my 1.9 wraith into a whatever parts i had lying around wraith. Thanks to Duxx for some of his spare parts. Th WK axles have weird mounting spots. That's why it sits so high. Just need to work with that and order C.I's 6mm output shafts and driveshafts and it'll be ready for the trails.
Looks good yo! How wide are those axles?
Scale beer cans, now that's the schlitz!
Looks great Mike!! Can't wait to see it out on the trail.
Current Parts:
1.) TCS Edge Chassis
2.) enRoute Berg 2.2 MOA Clocked Axels
3.) Integy 45 Turn Motors
4.) JR Racing z9100t High Torque Digital Aluminum Servo
5.) Integy Aluminum Servo Horn
6.) Axial Aluminum Upper Steering Rod
7.) Integy Lower Steering/Dragger Rod
8.) Axial 2.2 Wide Dished Bead Locks (Weighted)
9.) Vanquish Wheel Wideners
10.) Vanquish Aluminum Knuckles
11.) Axial Aluminum Threaded Shocks
12.) Axial Soft Semi-Droop Springs (Front)
13.) Axial Semi-Firm Springs (Rear)
14.) Hot Bodies Rovers Pink (Front)
15.) Hot Bodies Rovers White (Rear)
16.) Dynamite SpeedPack 1800 mAh 7.2v 6-Cell Ni-MH Battery
17.) Novak "The Dig" Electronic Dig Unit
18.) Tekin Racing FX-R Double ESC
19.) Axial Upper Links
20.) Axial 4-Link Suspension Setup
21.) Integy Lower High Clearance Suspension Links
^^^^ damn its a ghost how you been Michael.
Thanks Michael, no updates....hope to work on it some this weekend.
Have you made any progress on your puller?
Those look pretty dang good Jeremy.
Thanks Travis you know us old moonshine familys love to keep our heritage alive!