Rock Crawler
Hey Jeremy and Sid your rigs are looking pretty good
Lets see how they do next saturday :twisted::twisted:

Good man! Thanks. Hope everyone had a great christmas and new year so far."thumbsup"
The truck is done. The sled is 95% done. I have been working on finding a good tire/rim combo to get the roll out im looking for for the weight box.
I am also working on some modular rock crawling courses. I got a bunch of pallets and scrap wood from work, some screen to mold each one and finally I will be stucco* them. Putting them on pallets so I can move them around with my tractor."thumbsup"
Heck bring it to the comp and run the sportsman class "thumbsup"
Derrick, you need to stop just looking at the pics and read, that rig has dig.:roll::lmao:
Doesn't mean he can't run it in the sportsman class :roll: If they use it they are disqualified so you don't press the button :mrgreen:"thumbsup"
I have a dig but I only use it when Ryan is not looking shhhh :twisted:
:lmao: Thats cool I want say anything, I have a secret also, Jeremy listens to recordings of Ryan coaching him through gates when Ryan is not available."thumbsup"
How long has he been going through hazing to be a SCRCC driver???