It seems like so many people are making the possibility of rules changing way farther then it needs to be. We're not voting to send a nuke to china, so get off your high horses and talk like men, not high school girls. Passion and respect should both we demonstrated here. We all comp together and there's no need to piss everyone off.
Leave the bodiless rules the same and don't change them. Change the bodied rules so that if one wanted to,(I stress wanted to) they could meet the height, width and length requirements as those running bodiless so neither are seemed as advantage or disadvantage. This means no one has to change a thing, if they want to now make there body smaller they grab a pair of scissors.
These are not scalers, they don't look scale and havent looked scale since pre TLT days. Yes, some bodiless rigs look realistic and some look like a moon threw up wheels. The scalers look this way to.
People's mentality will bring them to which ever side of the hobby they enjoy most regardless of what 90% of us do.
There is no need to change every rule so everyone can go out and buy/build new rigs. With my rule statement above I still won't run a body and still don't see a body being an advantage, it does give those who want to run one a better shot at fitting through the same areas as my bodiless rig does, and as nabil stated, even if the rules change he would rather have a slightly larger better looking body then a hacked up one. This is why not drastically changing the rule allows people to still build the rig they want to build.