Pebble Pounder
Got a box of goodies in today :twisted:
Me too... Servo City got me taken care off.

Got a box of goodies in today :twisted:
I've got 40-50 pictures that I feel turned out very well...so I'll be posting those soon. "thumbsup" By the way, none of you have build threads though, do you?
And those tire foams we were talking about yesterday: Lil' Nova Foams
There is a thread on RCC here (probably in vendors section) that if you post up your rig details the man behind the foams will basically tell you the best setup. I followed his recommendations and couldn't be happier with what I got. "thumbsup"
Thanks for the link. I might have to get these for the new Pit Bulls I have just ordered.
I wasn't able to mount them on my RC4WD steelies which is why I picked up the Mayhems and started a whole new build altogether :roll: talking about snowball effect... it's closer to an avalanche.
Haha I approve of this purchase 8)
Make sure they'll mount on the beadlocks you have, I wasn't able to mount them on my RC4WD steelies which is why I picked up the Mayhems and started a whole new build altogether :roll: talking about snowball effect... it's closer to an av"thumbsup"alanche.
What kind of servos did you pick up Nate?
Hitec 7955's
DAMN!!! I picked up a 7954, I'm wandering how far apart they are in performance
DAMN!!! I picked up a 7954, I'm wandering how far apart they are in performance
Man tires and stuff are expensive. I think I'm just going to keep it stock and keep doing what I do
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Are u running an external BEC? I have a outcry dual motor esc that has a ext bec. I wac thinking about using it to run my servo. They recommend that you do when running a servo with a 200 oz/in and up. My problem is that the outcry BEC only puts out 6v. I might just go ahead and order the ccbec so I can get the 7.4v that this serve is hungry for. :twisted:
Haha nope those are your own words, I'm simply poor and can't justify 60 dollars in new rubber when I'm still performing well for stock lol. Def getting foams though and maybe the proline weights to match the beadlocks and get rid of my balance wobble. Will prob gut the electronics and try and remount everything better to get the batt up front.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
They are pretty close. Biggest differences I see is the gear materials (Steel vs Titanium). They both are around 330 oz/in of torque at 6V. I read too that should you torch the gears in the 7954 you can always stuff the 7955 titanium gears in there. (ps-you'll be happy to know Miko that when I opened the 7954 up there are in fact no plastic gears. lol )
What, you calling us crazy?
They recommend an external BEC for most applications where the torque is over 200 because most ESC's internal BEC can not support the amp draw of the higher powered servos.
For example, I've seen some tests done where the amp draw on a high torque (300+) servo is around 4 amps. I believe the internal BEC on a Axial/Sidewinder ESC is only capable of flowing 3A though...so it needs an external BEC capable of at least 4-5amps to power that bad boy servo. However, an ESC such as the Holmes BRXL like I run has a 5 amp internal BEC, which means I do not need an external BEC to power my 7954. "thumbsup" I run the 7954 and a 645 both on the internal BEC of the BRXL, no issues. So you see, it depends on what your ESC has in it for an internal BEC. I'd recommend doing some searching to see!
I think Miko is planning on running that servo with a new MMP (or maybe I misunderstood that picture lol), I think that internal BEC is only 3A, so he is most likely going to need an external BEC to power that 7954. I run an external BEC on my MMP because the internal BEC blew up the first run after setting it to 7V output...and I only run a lousy 645 on that thing... :evil:
Of course there are also more reasons to run a BEC, such as to run higher voltage to the servo as you suggested. Have to be careful with that though, some servos can only handle 6V max. On the flip side, sometimes BECs are used to limit the voltage going to the rx/servo. Another example, on my Axial ESC I added an external BEC so I can run 3s on it, whereas they say it is only 2s capable. Without the BEC the whole rig would shut down as soon as it hit any resistance, but now I am running 3s to the motor and the external BEC is running 5A at 6V to the rx and servo. "thumbsup"
Adding a BEC to my setup on the FJ so I can run my 7954 at 7.4V is definitely something I am interested in doing...400 oz/in of torque sounds incredible! However, just stepping up to 330 oz/in was such a huge performance increase that I am going to hold off a bit until I am hungry for more. lol
Hey guys. I know you haven't seen/heard from me much lately, I'm still out here and still wheeling. Problem is, it's fishing time so that's all I've been doing. If anyone wants to get out on Lake Meade with me on the weekends, let me know. I've been taking the boat out almost everyday.