Rock Stacker
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk
Original problem was with the sensored setup, with the scx10 axles, the locker spins opposite the wraith axles. When i installed the scx axles, full forward was reverse and even at 100% reverse setting in the esc, i was still slow moving forward and full speed backward. So since you cant reverse motor direction on a sensored motor with the sensor wire in use, i had no other choice.
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk
Well, it works for me, and im happy with the resultslol
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk
I thought about that, but the way the pumpkin is shaped it wouldn't fit right
Sent from my LG-LG870 using Tapatalk